The Blog at Spudis Lunar Resources


1. Welcome to the new Spudis Lunar Resources Blog!

September 29, 2012


2.  Gateway L-2 Mission: Opening Cislunar Space or Dead End?

                  September 29, 2012


3. The Vision for Space Exploration: A Brief History (Part 1)

                  October 23, 2012


4.  The Vision for Space Exploration: A Brief History (Part 2)

                  October 26, 2012


5.  The Vision for Space Exploration: A Brief History (Part 3)

                  November 2, 2012


6.  The Vision for Space Exploration: A Brief History (Part 4)

                  November 8, 2012


7.  The Vision for Space Exploration: After the Vision, What Next? (Part 5)

                  November 11, 2012


8.  Space: To Settle or to Sail?

                  December 4, 2012


9.  Direction for Space Needed

                  December 8, 2012


10.  What Do We Really "Need" From Space?

                  December 29, 2012

11.  A Space Pseudo-Program

                    January 29, 2013

12. Rearranging Deck Chairs on the Titanic

                    February 22, 2013

13.  What's Our Vector, Victor?
                    March 3, 2013

14.  Let's Haul Asteroids!
                       April 5, 2013

15.  The Elephant in the Room
                    April 26, 2013

16.  Heavy, Man.... Heavy
                    May 3, 2013

17. ÒWhere, Why and How?Ó Ð Concerns of the House Subcommittee on Space

                        May 26, 2013

18. Some Myths of Shuttle History
                    June 2, 2013

19.  Human Exploration:  Why and How?
                    June 14, 2013

20.  China in Space: A Threat or Not?

                    June 17, 2013

21.  Risky Business: ISRU and the Critical Path to Mars

                       June 21, 2013

22.  Dreaming or Doing?
                    July 11, 2013

23.  Congressional Bipartisanship and the ARM

                    August 2, 2013

24.  Square One: "Unaffordable" Lunar Return
                       August 22, 2013

25.  The Frontier of Space
                    August 30, 2013

26.  End of a Model -- and a Program

                    September 23, 2013

27.  Worldviews in Collision: A Tale of Two Presidential Science and Technology Advisors

                        October 5, 2013

28.  Cost and Value
                     October 28, 2013

29.  China, America and the Moon: Boldness and Abdication

                        November 5, 2013

30.  A Short-sighted Proposal
                     November 20, 2013

31.  China in Space
                    November 30, 2013

32.  American Exceptionalism and Space Exploration
                    December 15, 2013

33.  A Decade of the Vision for Space Exploration: An Alternative Retrospective
                    December 27, 2013

34.   Clementine -- The Mission, Twenty Years Later
                    January 21, 2014

35.  Tacking Toward the Moon
                    February 4, 2014

36.  Property, Problems and Promise of Lunar Dirt

                      February 13, 2014

37.  Science and Human Spaceflight
                    February 28, 2014

38.  Naming Names
                    March 3, 2014

39.  Surrendering in Space
                    March 29, 2014

40.  The Nomenclature "Space Transportation System" Will No Longer Be Used
                    April 7, 2014

41.  International Repercussions [Part 1] The Unreliable Partner
                    April 16, 2014

42.  International Repercussions [Part 2] The Power Vacuum

                       April 23, 2014

43.  Stupid Space Tricks
                     May 7, 2014

44.  "Pioneering Space" -- Really??
                    June 5, 2014

45.  The NRC Report - A Missed Opportunity
                    June 11, 2014

46.  Why We Are Not Going To Mars
                    June 19, 2014

47.  Ten Easy Pieces
                    July 14, 2014

48.  Buzz Moons Lunar Return
                    July 28, 2014

49.  Is Doing Something Better Than Doing Nothing?
                    August 12, 2014

50.  American Space Program Reflects Standing in the World
                    September 1, 2014

51.  The Fog of Space Policy

                      September 26, 2014

52.  Quinquennial Follies
                    October 15, 2014

53.  The Apollo Program and American "Culture"
                    November 4, 2014

54.  The Demise of a Well-Informed Public
                    December 18, 2014

55.  On the Habitability of the Moon and Mars
                    December 29, 2014

56.  "Overthrowing" Science?
                    January 3, 2015

57.  The Space Program - A Modest Proposal
                    January 20, 2015

58.  Regulating Business on the Moon
                    February 4, 2015

59.  Dick Nixon's Space Program
                   April 11, 2015

60.  More Than Life Itself: Some Heretical Thoughts
                    May 30, 2015

61.  Americans are good at Marketing Ð We used to be good at Space
                    July 8, 2015

62.  To the Moon Ð Again
                    July 23, 2015

63.  Commercial Crew Cuts
                    August 27, 2015

64.  NASA = Mars = Delusional
                    October 2, 2015

65.  Blame Game
                    November 9, 2015

66.  The New Space Resources Law -- Close But No Cigar
                    November 27, 2015

67.  SpaceX's Accomplishment
                    December 23, 2015

68.  Charting a Course in Human Exploration
                    February 5, 2016

69.  Stability and Instability in Space
                    February 27, 2016

70.  2016 Columbia Medal of the American Society of Civil Engineers
                    April 15, 2016

71.  Organizational Whiplash: Why NASA Needs a Change in Direction
                    April 20, 2016

72.  The Space Launch System ÒJobs ProgramÓ

                    May 2, 2016

73.  The Moon is Again Within Reach Ð LetÕs Grab (and Hold On To) It

                    June 1, 2016

74.  Delusions of a Mars Colonist
                    June 21, 2016

75.  Virtues of the 90-Day Study
                    July 25, 2016

76.  Not Vaunted, Not Clever and Not Working Ð The State of AmericaÕs Space Program

                      September 4, 2016

77.  Book Review Roundup
                    September 21, 2016

78.  Lost in Space or Thrown Away? Ð Revisiting the 2009 Augustine Committee Report
                      October 7, 2016

79.  The National Geographic SocietyÕs ÒMarsÓ Ð Nova Fabula
                      November 7, 2016

80.  Restoring America's Space Program: An Ambitious But Achievable Path
                    December 20, 2016

81.  Thoughts on National Geographic's Mars Mini-Series
                     December 29, 2016

82.  Momentum for the Moon
                     January 6, 2017

83.  A Commercial Human Flight to the Moon?
                     March 1, 2017

84.  A National Space Council: To Be Or Not To Be?
                     April 7, 2017

85.  Unexpected Connections: The Strategic Defense Initiative and Space Resources
                    June 14, 2017

86.  Apollo: The Glory and the Curse
                    July 13, 2017

87. A Timely and Excellent Production: Destination Moon
                    August 10, 2017

88.  Thoughts on the Job of NASA Administrator
                    September 3, 2017

89.  Flight of the Space Turkey
                    October 12, 2017

90.  Are Humans Needed on the Moon?
                    November 26, 2017

91.  The New NASA Budget and "Hurrying" Back to the Moon
                    February 14, 2018

92.  Have We Lost the Moon?
                    April 8, 2018

93.  An Architecture for Direct Lunar Return Using SLS and Orion
                    August 2, 2018


Spudis Lunar Resources was created by renowned planetary geologist Paul D. Spudis (1952-2018) and is archived by the National Space Society with the kind permission of the Spudis family.

National Space Society