(Photo by Nathan Lindstrom)

Paul D. Spudis

Senior Staff Scientist

Lunar and Planetary Institute

Houston, TX 77058




Geologist specializing in research on the histories of and the processes on the terrestrial planets.  Served on NASA�s Lunar and Planetary Sample Team (LAPST), which advises allocations of lunar samples for scientific research, the Lunar Exploration Science Working Group (LEXSWG),that devised scientific strategies of lunar exploration, and the Planetary Geology Working Group, which monitors overall directions in the planetary research community.  Served on the Committee for Planetary and Lunar Exploration (COMPLEX), an advisory committee of the National Academy of Sciences, and the Synthesis Group, a White House panel that in 1990-1991, analyzed a return to the Moon to establish a base and the first human mission to Mars. Member, Presidential Commission on the Implementation of U.S. Space Exploration Policy, 2004.  Deputy Leader of the Science Team for the Department of Defense Clementine mission to the Moon in 1994.  Principal Investigator, Mini-SAR experiment on Indian Chandrayaan mission to the Moon, 2008-2009.  Team member, Mini-RF technology demonstration experiment, Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter mission to the Moon, 2008-present.




Ph.D.  Geology   Arizona State University   (1982)

Sc.M.  Geology   Brown University              (1977)

B.S.     Geology  Arizona State University   (1976)




2013 � present, Chief Scientist, Moon Express Inc.  Advise on scientific objectives, payloads and instruments.  Design mission architectures to serve scientific and resource utilization objectives.

2008 � present, Senior Staff Scientist, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston TX.  Principal Investigator, Mini-SAR experiment on Indian Chandrayaan mission to the Moon, 2008-2009.  Team member, Mini-RF technology demonstration experiment, Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter mission to the Moon, 2008-present.


2002 � 2008, Senior Professional Staff, JHU/APL. Section Supervisor, Planetary Dynamics Section, Planetary Exploration Group.  Principal Investigator, NASA Planetary Geology and Geophysics Program.  Principal Investigator, Mini-SAR experiment on Indian Chandrayaan mission to the Moon, 2007.  Principal Professional Staff, 2005.


1999 � 2002, Deputy Director, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, Texas.  Administrative duties include development of scientific performance standards, recruitment of new scientific staff, Acting Director during Director�s absence.  Director, Regional Planetary Image Facility, Center for Information and Research Services, Lunar and Planetary Institute.  Duties include oversight of Data Facility, Coordination with other NASA Data Centers, future planning for processing, archiving, and making new planetary mission data accessible.


1990 � 2002, Staff Scientist, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, Texas.  Principal Investigator, NASA Planetary Geology and Geophysics Program. Research includes collation and interpretation of remote sensing data for the Moon at a variety of wavelengths, study of the genesis of lunar polymict highland breccias, origin and evolution of the lunar crust, volcanic processes on the Earth and planets, and the geology and impact mechanics of large craters and basins on the terrestrial planets.  Additional research involves strategic and tactical science planning for human and robotic missions to the Moon and Mars.  Deputy Leader, Science Team, BMDO-NASA Clementine mission to the Moon (1994). Scientific co-advisor for LPI-JSC Summer Intern Program.


1982 � 1990, Geologist, U.S. Geological Survey, Branch of Astrogeology, Flagstaff, Arizona.  Principal Investigator, NASA Planetary Geology Program.  Research included recognition and mapping of degraded impact features on all the terrestrial planets, theoretical modeling of large impacts into planetary crusts, geology and petrology of Apollo and Luna landing sites, and global geochemistry and petrology of the lunar crust and implications for crustal origin.


1982 � 1985, Faculty Research Associate, Arizona State University (part-time). NASA Planetary Geology Program Principal Investigator.


1980 � 1982, Geologist, U.S. Geological Survey, Branch of Astrogeology, Flagstaff, AZ. Principal Investigator on NASA Grant "The Geology of Lunar Multi-ring Basins".  Work done in support of dissertation efforts.


Temporary Positions and Experience:


November, 2000� present  Honorary Research Fellow, Department of Geological Sciences, University College London, London UK


January, 2004� July, 2004  Commissioner, Presidential Commission on the Implementation of United States Space Exploration Policy.


November 1993�May 2003  Adjunct Professor, Department of Geology and Geophysics, Rice University, Houston, Texas.


May 1992 --May 1994  Consultant, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, California.


May 1991 --June 1991  Visiting Scientist, Center for Earth and Planetary Studies, National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC.


August 1990 --June 1991, Exploration Science Planning, Synthesis Group, Washington DC, Gen. Thomas P. Stafford, Head.


October 1980  Visiting scientist, University of Hawaii, Honolulu.


September 1980  Visiting scientist, University of London Observatory, London, England.


March 1978  Visiting scientist, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston.




Extensive background in geology and planetary science, including interpretation of remote-sensing and image data and integrated studies with information from planetary samples.  Developed new techniques to analyze remote geochemical data to reconstruct structure and history of planetary crusts. Experienced field geologist, with mapping and sampling experience in volcanic, intrusive, and impact terrains. Computer skills:  PC (image processing and Office package), unix platforms (ISIS and IDL).


PUBLICATIONS (as of July 1, 2018)


123 papers in refereed journals or books

4 single-author books

3 co-authored books

319 abstracts

2 geological maps (Mercury and Io)

12 edited books and reports

50 articles for the popular press



Michel T. Halbouty Lecture, Geological Society of America (2018)

Columbia Medal, Aerospace Division of the American Society of Civil Engineers (2016)
Eugene Shoemaker Distinguished Lunar Scientist Award, NASA Space Science and Exploration Research Virtual Institute (2014)

Space Pioneer Award, National Space Society (2011)

Frank Howard Distinguished Lecture, Dept. of Engineering, George Washington University (2006)

Theodore von Karman Medal and Lectureship, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (2006)

Principal Professional Staff, Applied Physics Laboratory (2005)

Distinguished Public Service Medal, NASA (2004)

Asteroid 7560 Spudis named in my honor (1999)

Aviation Week and Space Technology Laurels Award (1994)

J. Robert Oppenheimer Director's Colloquium, Los Alamos National Laboratory (1992)

University Fellowship, Brown University (1976-1977)

Viking Intern, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (1976)

Phi Kappa Phi (National Scholastic Honor Society) (1975 and 1976)

Exploration Scholarship, Union Oil of California Inc. (1975-1976)



American Geophysical Union (since 1976)

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (since 1990)

Geological Society of America (since 1978)

Sigma Xi (since 1982)
American Society of Civil Engineers (since 2016)




Applied Physics Laboratory, Top Secret � 2004 - 2009

U. S. Dept. Energy �Q� clearance � 1992-1994

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Spudis Lunar Resources was created by renowned planetary geologist Paul D. Spudis (1952-2018) and is archived by the National Space Society with the kind permission of the Spudis family.

National Space Society