Paul D. Spudis




1. Spudis P.D. (1983) Modeling Mars, Moon surfaces.  Geotimes 28, no. 6, p. 22‑24.


2. Spudis P.D. (1987) A return to the Moon for science, materials.  Geotimes 32, no. 6 p. 35‑36.


3. Davis P.A. and Spudis P.D. (1989) Mapping lunar rock types using orbital chemical data in Planetary Geosciences-1988, M.T. Zuber et al., eds., NASA SP-498, p. 8-9.


4. Spudis P.D. (1989) The geologic history of Mercury in Planetary Geosciences-1988, M.T. Zuber et al., eds., NASA SP-498, 35-36.


5. Spudis, P.D. (1991) The Moon, in Beatty, J.K. and Chaiken, A., eds., The New Solar System (3rd ed.):  Sky Publishing Corp. and Cambridge Univ. Press, p. 41-52.


6. Spudis P.D. (1991) We can and we must afford space exploration.  The Houston Chronicle, Sunday December 29, 1991, p. 3E and 5E.


7. Spudis P.D. (1992) Moon, Geology in The Astronomy and Astrophysics Encyclopedia, S.P. Maran, editor, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, p. 452-455.


8. Spudis P.D. (1992) Crustal structure and early bombardment history of the Moon in Planetary Geosciences, 1989-1990, M.T. Zuber et al., eds., NASA SP-508, p. 59-61.


9. Black D.C. and Spudis P.D., (1992) Early robotic missions to the Moon. Unmanned Systems 10, no.3, Summer 1992, p. 22-25.


10. Spudis P.D. (1992) To the Moon -- Faster, Cheaper, and Better. The Planetary Report XII, no.4, 8-9.


11. Spudis P.D. (1994) Vanished Greatness, a review of "To a Rocky Moon" by D.E. Wilhelms, Natural History, 103, 1, Jan. 1994, p. 66-69.


12. Spudis P.D. (1995) Comment concerning the review by W. McKinnon and R. Korotev of P.D. Spudis� book, The Geology of Multi-Ring Basins,  Geochim.Cosmochim. Acta 59, 12, 2633-2635.


13. Spudis P.D. (1995) Clementine Explores The Moon (set of 20 slides, with captions). Lunar and Planetary Institute Press, 35 mm color slides, with captions and descriptive booklet.


14. Spudis P.D. (1996) The Giant Holes of the Moon.  Astronomy vol. 24, no. 5 (May 1996), 50-55.


15. Spudis P.D.(1996) Ice on the Bone-Dry Moon. Internet publication, Planetary Science Research Discoveries,  December, 1996.


16. Spudis P.D. (1997) Mercury: Geology. in Encyclopedia of Planetary Sciences, J.H. Shirley and R.W. Fairbridge, eds., Chapman and Hall, London, 473-476.


17. Spudis P.D. and Bussey D.B.J. (1997) Clementine Explores The Moon, Second edition (set of 35 slides, with captions). Lunar and Planetary Institute Press, 35 mm color slides, with captions and descriptive booklet.


18. Spudis P.D. (1999) The Moon in The New Solar System, 4th ed., J.K. Beatty, C.C. Petersen, and A. Chaikin, eds., Sky Publishing Corp. and Cambridge Univ. Press, 125-140.


19. Spudis P.D., Nozette S., Bussey B., and Robinson M. (1999) Lunar Exploration: The next step.  Aerospace America, Feb. 1999, vol. 37, no. 2, 34-47.


20. Spudis P.D. (1999) Robots vs. humans: Who should explore space?  Astronaut explorers, in Scientific American Presents: The Future of Space Exploration, vol. 10, no. 1, 25 & 30-31.


21. Spudis P.D.(1999) Volcanism on the Moon.  In Encyclopedia of Volcanoes, H. Sigurdsson, Ed., Academic Press, New York,697-708.


22. Spudis P.D. and LPI Staff (1999) Once and Future Moon, educational wall poster, NASA and LPI, NW-1999-10-154-HQ.


23.  Kiefer W.S., Spudis P.D., and Treiman A.H. (2002) The 33rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Episodes 25, 122-123.


24. Spudis P.D. (2003) Harvest the Moon.  Astronomy, June 2003, vol. 31, no. 6, p. 42-47.

25.  Spudis P.D. (2003) Barringer Medal Citation for Graham Ryder.  Meteoritics and Planetary Science 38 (supplement).


26. Spudis P.D.  (2003) The Moon. In Encyclopedia of Space Science and Technology, Hans Mark, Ed., John Wiley and Sons, New York, vol. 2, p.126-148.


27. Spudis P.D. (2003) The New Moon.  Scientific American vol. 289, no. 6 (Dec. 2003), 86-93.


28. Spudis P.D. (2005) The Moon: A new destination in space for America. In Return to the Moon (R.N. Tumlinson and E.R. Medlicott, eds.), Apogee Books, Burlington Ontario, p. 23-30.


29. Spudis P.D. (2005) Why we are going back to the Moon.  Washington Post, Dec. 27. 2005, p. A25.


30. Spudis P.D. (2006) Mining the Moon, review of the book �Return to the Moon� by Harrison H. Schmitt, American Scientist 94, 3, May-June 2006.


31. Spudis P.D. (2006) The Moon.  Sky at Night, BBC, no. 16 (September, 2006), Masterclass section, p. 60-65.


32. Spudis P.D. (2006) Ice on the Moon.  The Space Review,


33. Spudis P.D. (2007) A Moon full of opportunity.  The Space Review,

34. Spudis P.D. (2007) Viewpoint: Lunar Opportunities.  ASK magazine, NASA APPEL, Summer, 53-55.

35.  Spudis P.D. (2007) NASA: An Investment in Our Nation's Future.  The Hill, March 7, 2007.

36. Spudis P.D. (2008) Lunar Exploration, Past and Future.  Special Volume on the 50th Anniversary of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington DC, 118-127.


37. Wingo D., Spudis P.D., and Woodcock G. (2009) Going beyond the status quo in space.  Space Ref  June 28, 2009,


38. Spudis P.D. (2009) Objectives not architectures � strategies not tactics.  Space Ref,  Sept. 15, 2009,


39. Spudis P.D. (2010) The New Space Race. Space Ref, Feb. 9, 2010,


40. Spudis P.D. and Zubrin R. (2010) NASA�s mission to nowhere.  Washington Times, May 31, 2010,


41. Spudis P.D. (2011) Lunar Resources: Unlocking the Space Frontier.  Ad Astra, vol. 23, no. 2, Summer 2011,

42.  Spudis P.D. (2012) Is the United States in danger of losing a space race to China?  Yes.  CQ Researcher 22, 8, 24 February, 2012, p. 197.


43. Spudis P.D. (2012) Develop Cislunar Space Next. Horizons 37, 5, 5-9, AIAA-Houston Section, March/April 2012.

44.  Spudis P.D. (2013) Does the Moon have large quantities of water?  In Astronomy's Greatest Mysteries, Sky Publishing, Cambridge MA, 23.

45.  Spudis P.D. (2013) Return to the Moon will better advance planetary missions.  Orlando Sentinel, May 31, 2013

46.  Spudis P.D. (2013) The Road to Mars is Paved in Lunar Rock,, June 25, 2013.

47.  Spudis P.D. (2014) Early Exploration of the Moon.  In Discoveries in Modern Science: Exploration, Invention,Technology. (J. Trefil, ed.), Macmillan Reference USA, Gale Cengage Learning, Farmington Hills MI, p. 716-720.

48.  Spudis P.D. (2016) Our Two-Faced Moon.  Sky and Telescope 131, 4, April 2016, 16-21.

49.  Spudis P.D. (2017) Moon: The next destination in space.  Space News 28, 03, 02.13.17, 29-30.

50.  Spudis P.D. (2018) The poles of the Moon are the most valuable real estate in the Solar System, Salt Lake City Tribune, February 3, 2018



1.  Spudis P.D. (1993) The Geology of Multi-ring Basins: The Moon and Other Planets,  Cambridge University Press, New York and Cambridge, 263 pp.


2.  Spudis P.D. (1996) The Once and Future Moon.  Smithsonian Institution University Press, Washington DC, 308 pp.


3.  Bussey D.B.J. and Spudis P.D. (2004) The Clementine Atlas of the Moon. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge UK, 316 pp.


4.  Spudis A.M. and Spudis P.D. (2005) Moonwake: The Lunar Frontier.  Xlibris Publishing, 131 pp.

5.  Spudis P.D. (2011) Blogging the Moon: The Once and Future Moon Collection. Apogee Prime Books, Burlington Ont, 328 pp.

6.  Bussey D.B.J. and Spudis P.D. (2012) The Clementine Atlas of the Moon, Revised Edition. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge UK, 317 pp.

7.  Spudis P.D. (2016) The Value of the Moon: How to Explore, Live and Propser in Space Using the Moon's Resources.  Smithsonian Books, Washington DC, 243 pp.




1. Spudis P.D. and Head J.W. (1977) Geology of the Imbrium basin Apennine Mountains andrelation to the Apollo 15 landing site.  Proceedings LunarScience Conference 8, 2785‑2797.


2. Spudis P.D. and Head J.W. (1977) Geology of the Imbrium basin, ApennineMountains and relation to the Apollo 15 landing site, in (J. Wood, ed.), Interdisciplinary Studies by the Imbrium Consortium 2, LSI Contribution No. 268D, 113‑119.


3. Greeley R. and Spudis P.D. (1978) Mare volcanism in the Herigonius region of the Moon. Proceedings Lunar Planetary ScienceConference 9, 3333‑3349.


4. Greeley R. and Spudis P.D. (1978) Volcanism in the cratered terrain hemisphere of Mars.  Geophysical Research Letters 5, 453‑455.


5. Spudis P.D. (1978) Composition and origin of the Apennine Bench Formation.  Proceedings Lunar Planetary Science Conference 9, 3379‑3394.


6. Schultz P.H. and Spudis P.D. (1979) Evidence for ancient mare volcanism.  Proceedings Lunar Planetary Science Conference 10, 2899‑2918.


7. Hawke B.R.and Spudis P.D. (1980) Geochemical anomalies on the lunar eastern limb and farside.  Proceedings Conference Lunar Highlands Crust, 467‑481.


8. Ryder G. and Spudis P.D. (1980) Volcanic rocks in the lunar highlands.  Proceedings Conference Lunar Highlands Crust, 353-375.


9. Greeley R. and Spudis P.D. (1981) Volcanism on Mars.  Reviews of Geophysics and Space Physics 19, 13‑41.


10. Spudis P.D. and Hawke B.R. (1981) Chemical mixing model studies of lunar orbital geochemical data: Apollo 16 and 17 highlands compositions.  Proceedings Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 12B, 781‑789.


11. Spudis P.D. and Ryder G. (1981) Apollo 17 impact melts and their relation to the Serenitatis basin. In Multi-ring basins,  Proceedings Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 12A, 133‑148.


12. Schultz P.H. and Spudis P.D. (1983) The beginning and end of lunar mare volcanism.  Nature 302, 233‑236.


13. Spudis P.D.(1984) Apollo 16 site geology and impact melts: Implications for the geologic history of the lunar highlands.  Proceedings Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 15, Journal of Geophysical Research 89, C95-C107.


14. Spudis P.D., Hawke B.R., and Lucey P. (1984) Composition of Orientale basin deposits and implications for the lunar basin-forming process.  Proceedings Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 15, Journal of Geophysical Research 89, C197-C210.


15. Cintala M.J., Spudis P.D., and Hawke B.R. (1985) Advanced geologic exploration supported by a lunar base: A traverse across the Imbrium-Procellarum region of the Moon. in Mendell W.W., ed., Lunar Bases and Space Activities in the 21st Century, Lunar and Planetary Institute Press, 223‑238.


16. Guest J.E. and Spudis P.D. (1985) The Aristarchus impact event and the effects of target material.  Geological Magazine 122, no. 4, 317‑327.


17. Hawke B.R., Spudis P.D., and Clark P.E. (1985) The origin of selected lunar geochemical anomalies: Implications for early volcanism and the formation of light plains.  Earth, Moon, and Planets 32, 257-273.


18. Davis P.A. and Spudis P.D. (1985) Petrologic province maps of the lunar highlands derived from orbital geochemical data.  Proceedings Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 16, Journal of Geophysical Research 90, D61-D74.


19. Spudis P.D. and Ryder G. (1985) Geology and petrology of the Apollo 15 landing site: Past, present, and future understanding.  EOS, Transactions American Geophysical Union 66, no. 43, 721-726.


20. Spudis P.D. and Davis P.A. (1986) A chemical and petrological model of the lunar crust and implications for lunar crustal origin.  Proceedings Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 17, Journal of Geophysical Research 91, no. B13, E84-E90.


21. Spudis P.D., Hawke B.R., Hood L.L., Schultz P.H., Taylor G.J., and Wilhelms D.E. (1986) Status and Future of Lunar Geoscience. National Aeronautics and Space Administration Special Publication 484, Washington, D.C., 54 pp.


22. Davis P.A. and Spudis P.D. (1987) Global petrologic variations on the Moon: A ternary-diagram approach. Proceedings Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 17, Journal of Geophysical Research 92, E387-E395.


23. Pike R.J. and Spudis P.D. (1987) Basin ring spacing on the Moon, Mercury, and Mars.  Earth,Moon, and Planets 39, 129‑194.


24. Ryder G. and Spudis P.D. (1987) Chemical composition and origin of Apollo 15 impact melts.  Proceedings Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 17, Journal of Geophysical Research 92, E432-E446.


25. Spudis P.D., Hawke B.R., Lucey P.G. (1988) Materials and formation of the Imbrium basin.  Proceedings Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 18, Cambridge Univ. Press, 155‑168.


26. Spudis P.D., Swann G.A., and Greeley Ronald (1988) The formation of Hadley Rille and implications for the geology of the Apollo 15 region.  Proceedings Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 18, Cambridge Univ. Press, 243‑254.


27. Spudis P.D. and Guest J.E. (1988) Stratigraphy and geologic history of Mercury, in, F.Vilas, C. Chapman, and M. Matthews (eds.),  Mercury.  Univ.of Arizona Press, Tucson, 118‑164, 6 plates.


28. McCormick K.A., Taylor G.J., Keil K., Spudis P.D., Grieve R.A.F., and Ryder G. (1989) Sources of clasts in terrestrial impact melts: Clues to the origin of LKFM.  Proceedings Lunar Planetary Science Conference 19, Lunar and Planetary Institute and Cambridge Univ. Press, 691-696.


29. Ryder G., Spudis P.D., and Taylor G.J. (1989) The case for planetary sample return missions: Origin and evolution of the Moon and its environment.  EOS,Transactions American Geophysical Union 70, no. 47, 1495-1509.


30. Spudis P.D., Hawke B.R., and Lucey P.G. (1989) Geology and deposits of the lunar Nectaris basin.  Proceedings Lunar and Planetary ScienceConference 19, Lunar and Planetary Institute and Cambridge Univ. Press, 51-60.


31. Spudis P.D. and Taylor G.J. (1990) Rationale and requirements for Lunar exploration.  Engineering,Construction, and Operations in Space II: Proceedings of Space 90, vol. 1, 236-244.


32. Taylor G.J. and Spudis P.D. (1990)  A teleoperated robotic field geologist.  Engineering,Construction, and Operations in Space II: Proceedings of Space 90,vol. 1, 246-255.


33. Horz, F., Grieve, R.A.F., Heiken, G.,and Spudis, P.D., and Binder A. (1991) Lunar surface processes, in Heiken, G., Vaniman, D., and French, B., eds., Lunar Sourcebook:  Cambridge Univ. Press, Chapter 4, 61-120.


34. Spudis, P.D. and Pieters, C. (1991) Global and regional data about the Moon, in Heiken, G., Vaniman, D., and French B., eds., Lunar Sourcebook:  CambridgeUniv. Press, Chapter 10, 595-632, 11 plates.


35. Spudis P.D., Taylor G.J., McCormick K.A., Ryder G., Keil K., and Grieve R.A.F. (1991) Sources of mineral fragments in impact melts 15445 and 15455: Toward the origin of low-K Fra Mauro basalt.  Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. 21, 151-166.


36. Swindle T., Spudis P.D., Taylor G.J., Korotev R., Nichols R.H., and Olinger C.T. (1990) Searching for Crisium basin ejecta: Chemistry and ages of Luna 20 impact melts. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. 21, 167-184.


37. Hawke B.R., Lucey P.G., Taylor G.J., Bell J.F., Peterson C.A., Blewett D.T., Horton K.,Smith G.A., and Spudis P.D. (1991) Remote sensing studies of the Orientale region of the Moon: A pre-Galileo view.  Geophys. Res. Letters 18,11, 2141-2144.


38. Hawke B.R. and Spudis P.D. (1992) Geoscience investigations conducted from a lunar base. In C. Ponnamperuma and C. Gehrke, eds., A Lunar-Based Chemical Analysis Laboratory, A. Deepak Publishing, 132-137.


39. Spudis P.D. (1992) An argument for human exploration of the Moon and Mars.  AmericanScientist 80, 3, May-June, 269-277.


40. Spudis P.D., and Hood, L.L. (1992) Geological and geophysical field investigations from a lunar base in Mare Smythii: Lunar Bases and Space Activities of 21st Century, 2nd Symposium Proceedings (W. Mendell, ed), NASA Conference Publ. 3166, vol. 1, 163-174.


41. Spudis P.D. and Taylor, G.J. (1992) The roles of humans and robots as field geologists on the Moon:  Lunar Bases and Space Activities of 21st Century, 2nd Symposium Proceedings (W. Mendell, ed.), NASA Conference Publ. 3166, vol. 1, 307-313.


42. Budden N.A. and Spudis P.D. (1993) SEI science: Measuring the return.  Aerospace America 31, no. 3, March, 1993, 22-27.


43. Hawke B.R., Peterson C., Lucey P.G., Taylor G.J., Blewett D.T., and Spudis P.D. (1993)  Remote sensing studies of the terrain northwest of Humorum basin.  Geophys. Research Letters 20, 419-422.


44. Budden N.A. and Spudis, P.D.(1993) Evaluating science return in Space Exploration Initiative architectures.  NASA Technical Paper 3339, 12 pp.


45. Sharpton V.L., Burke K., Camargo-Zanoguera A., Hall S.A., Lee D.S., Marin L.E., Suarez-Reynoso G., Quezada-Muneton J.M., Spudis P.D., and Urrutia-Fucugauchi J.(1993) Chicxulub multiring impact basin: Size and other characteristics derived from gravity analysis.  Science 261, 1564-1567.


46. Staehle R.L., Burke J.D., Snyder G., Dowling R., and Spudis P.D. (1993) Lunar base siting. in Resources of Near-Earth Space, J. Lewis, M.S. Mathews, and M.L. Guerrieri, eds., 427-446, University of Arizona Press, Tucson.


47.  Nozette S.,Rustan P., Pleasance L.P., Horan D.M., Regeon P., Shoemaker E.M., Spudis P.D., Acton C.H., Baker D.N., Blamont J.E., Buratti B.J., Corson M.P., Davies M.E., Duxbury T.C., Eliason E.M., Jakosky B.M., Kordas J.F., Lewis I.T., Lichtenberg C.L., Lucey P.G., Malaret E., Massie M.A., Resnick J.H., Rollins C.J., ParkH.S., McEwen A.S., Priest R.E., Pieters C.M., Reisse R.A., Robinson M.S., Simpson R.A., Smith D.E., Sorenson T.C., Vorder Brugge R.W., and Zuber M.T.(1994) The Clementine mission to the Moon:  Scientific Overview.  Science 266, 1835-1839.


48.  Spudis P.D., Reisse R.A., and Gillis J.J. (1994) Ancient multi-ring basins on the Moonrevealed by Clementine laser altimetry.  Science 266, 1848-1851.


49.  Lucey P.G., Spudis P.D., Zuber M., Smith D., and Malaret E. (1994)  Topographic-compositional units on the Moon and the early evolution of the lunar crust.  Science 266, 1855-1858.


50.  McEwen A.S., Robinson M.S., Eliason E.M., Lucey P.G., Duxbury T.C., and Spudis P.D. (1994) Clementine observations of the Aristarchus region of the Moon.  Science 266, 1858-1862.


51.  Spudis P.D. (1994) The large impact process inferred from the geology of lunar multi-ring basins. in Dressler B.O., Grieve R.A.F., and Sharpton V.L., eds., Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution, Geol. Soc. America Special Paper 293, 1-10.


52.  Spudis P.D., Shoemaker E.M., Acton C., Baker D., Blamont J., Buratti B., Davies M., DuxburyT.,  Eliason E., Lucey P.,  McEwen A., and Pieters C. (1994) The Clementine Mission:  Initial results from lunar mapping.  in  H. Balsiger,  Huber M.C.E., Lena P., and Battrick B., eds., International Lunar Workshop, ESA SP-1170, European Space Agency, Noordwijk, Netherlands, 91-102.


53.  Guest J.E., Spudis P.D., Greeley R., Taylor G.J., and Baloga S.M. (1995) Emplacement of xenolith nodules in the Kaupulehu lava flow, Hualalai volcano, Hawaii.  Bull.Volcanology 57, 179-184.


54.  Blewett D.T., Hawke B.R., Lucey P.G., Taylor G.J., Jaumann R., Spudis P.D. (1995) Remote sensing studies of the Schiller-Schickard region of the Moon.  J.Geophys. Res. 100, E8, 16959-16977.


55.  Blewett D.T., Hawke B.R., Lucey P.G., Spudis P.D. (1995) A spectral survey of the Crisium Basin region of the Moon.  Geophys. Res. Letters 22, 3059-3062.


56.  Peterson C.A., Hawke B.R., Lucey P.G., Coombs C.R., and Spudis P.D. (1995) Spectral reflectance studies of the Grimaldi region of the Moon.  Geophys.Res. Letters 22, 3055-3058.


57.  Baloga S.M., Spudis P.D., and Guest J.E. (1995) The dynamics of rapidly emplaced terrestrial lava flows and implications for planetary volcanism.  Jour. Geophys. Res. 100, 24509-24519.


58. Sharpton V.L., Marin L.E., Carney C., Lee S., Ryder G., Schuraytz B.C., Sikora P. and Spudis P.D. (1996) A model of the Chicxulub impact basin based onevaluation of Geophysical data, well logs, and drill core samples.  In  The Cretaceous-Tertiary Event and Other Catastrophes in Earth History, Geol.Soc. America Special Paper 307, 55-74.


59. Nozette S., Lichtenburg C., Spudis P.D., Bonner R., Ort W., Malaret E., Robinson M., and Shoemaker E.M. (1996) The Clementine bistatic radar experiment. Science 274, 1495-1498.


60.  Bussey D.B.J. and Spudis P.D. (1997) Compositional analysis of the Orientale basin using full resolution Clementine data: Some preliminary results.  Geophys.Research Letters 24, 445-448.


61.  Nozette S., Shoemaker E.M., Spudis P.D., and Lichtenberg C.L. (1997) The possibility of ice on the Moon.  Science 278, 144-145.


62.    Lucey P.G., Taylor G.J., Hawke B.R., and Spudis P.D. (1998) FeO and TiO2 concentrations in the South Pole-Aitken basin:  Implications for mantle composition and basin formation.  J. Geophys. Res. 103, E2, 3701-3708.


63.   Spudis P.D., Nozette S., Lichtenberg C., Bonner R., Ort W., Malaret E., Robinson M., and Shoemaker E.M.(1998) The Clementine bistatic radar experiment: Evidence for ice on the Moon.  (in Russian) Astronom. Vestnik 32, 1, 21-27.


64. Bussey D.B.J., Spudis, P.D., Robinson, M. S. (1999)  Illumination conditions at the lunar south pole.  Geophys.Res. Lett. 26 , No. 9 , 1187.


65.  Bussey D.B.J.and Spudis P.D. (2000) Compositional studies of the Orientale, Humorum, Nectaris, and Crisium basins.  J. Geophys. Res. 105, E2, 4235-4243.


66.  Gillis J.J.and Spudis P.D. (2000) Geology of the Smythii and Marginis region of the Moon using integrated remotely sensed data.  J. Geophys. Res. 105, E2, 4217-4233.


67.  Cook A., Watters T.R., Robinson M., Spudis P.D., and Bussey D.B.J. (2000) Lunar polar topography derived from Clementine stereo images.  J. Geophys. Res. 105,E5, 12023-12033.


68.  Nozette S., LichtenbergC., Spudis P.D., Robinson M.S., D.B.J. Bussey, Bonner R. (2002) Integration of lunar polar data sets.  Return to the Moon II, Proc. 2000 Lunar Dev.Conf., Space Front Press, 225-239.


69.  Nozette S., P.D.Spudis, M. Robinson, D.B.J. Bussey, C. Lichtenberg, R. Bonner (2001)Integration of lunar polar remote-sensing data sets: Evidence for ice at the lunar south pole. J. Geophys. Res. 106,E19, 23253-23266.


70.  Spudis P.D.(2001) What is the Moon made of?  Science 293, 1779-1781.


71.  Spudis P.D.(2001) The case for renewed human exploration of the Moon.  Earth Moon and Planets 87, 159-171.


72.  Spudis P.D., S.W. Asmar, D.B.J. Bussey, N. Duxbury, L.J. Friesen, J.J. Gillis, B.R.Hawke, G. Heiken, D. Lawrence, J. Manifold, M.A. Slade, A. Smith,  G.J. Taylor, and R.A. Yingst (2002) Lunar Exploration Manned and Unmanned, in The Future of Solar System Exploration, 2003-2013 (M. Sykes, Ed.) Astron. Soc. Pacific Conf. Series 272, 77-88.


73Zellner N.E.B., P.D. Spudis, J.W. Delano, and D.C.B. Whittet (2002) Impact glasses from theApollo 14 landing site and implications for regional geology, J. Geophys.Res. 107 (E11), 10.1029/2001JE001800


74Hawke B.R., Giguere T.A., Blewett D.T., Lucey P.G., Smith G.A., Taylor G.J., Spudis P.D.(2002) Igneous activity in the southern highlands of the Moon.  J. Geophys. Res. 107 (E12), 5122, 10.1029/2000JE001494.


75.  Bussey D.B.J., Lucey P.G., Steutel D., Robinson M.R., Spudis P.D., and Edwards K.D.(2003) Permanent shadow in simple craters near the lunar poles.  Geophys. Res. Letters 30 (6), doi:10.1029/2002GL016180


76Giguere T.A., Hawke B.R., Blewett D.T., Bussey D.B.J., Lucey P.G., Smith G.A., Spudis P.D.,and Taylor G.J., (2003) Remote sensing studies of the Lomonosov-Fleming region of the Moon.  J. Geophys. Res. 108, E11, 5118, doi:10.1029/2003JE002069


77.    Hawke B. R., Peterson, C. A., Blewett, D. T., Bussey, D. B. J., Lucey, P. G., Taylor, G. J.,and Spudis P. D. (2003) Distribution and modes of occurrence of lunar anorthosite  J. Geophys. Res. 108 (E6), 10.1029/2002JE001890


78.    Hawke B. R., Lawrence, D. J., Blewett, D. T., Lucey, P. G., Smith, G. A., Spudis, P. D., Taylor, G. J. (2003) Hansteen Alpha: A volcanic construct in the lunar highlands.  J. Geophys. Res. 108, (E7) 5069 10.1029/2002JE002013


79.    Bussey B. and Spudis P. (2004) Small spacecraft exploration of the Moon.  Acta Astronautica 55, 637-641.


80.    Bussey B. and Spudis P. (2004) Extreme lighting conditions at the lunar poles.  In Proceedings of the International Lunar Conference 2003(S. Durst and others, eds.), Science and Technology Series 108, Amer. Astro. Society, 125-126.


81.    Rajmon D. and Spudis P. (2004) Distribution and stratigraphy of basaltic units in MariaTranquillitatis and Fecunditatis: A Clementine perspective.  Meteoritics and Planetary Science 39, 10, 1699-1720.


82.    Watters T.R., Robinson, M.S., Bina, C.R., and Spudis, P.D. (2004) Thrust faults and the global contraction Mercury, Geophys. Res. Letts. 31, L04701, 10.1029/2003GL019171.


83.    Bussey D.B.J., Fristad K.E., Schenk P.M., Robinson M.S., and Spudis P.D. (2005) Constant illumination at the lunar north pole. Nature 434, 842.


84.    Hawke B.R., Gillis J.J., Giguere T.A., Blewett D.T., Lawrence D.J., Lucey P.G., Smith G.A., Spudis P.D., and Taylor G.J. (2005) Remote sensing and geologic studies of the Balmer-Kapteyn region of the Moon. J. Geophys. Res. 110, E06004, doi:10.1029/2004JE002383


85.    Spudis P.D.(2005) The Moon and the new Presidential space vision.  Earth Moon and Planets 91, 1-6.


86.    Sorensen T.C. and Spudis P.D. (2005) The Clementine Mission � A 10-yearperspective.  Jour. Earth SystemSci. 114, 6, 645-668.


87.    Hackwill T., Guest, J.E., and Spudis P.D. (2006) Stratigraphy and evolution of basalts in Mare Humorum and southeastern Procellarum.  Meteoritics and Planetary Science 41 (3), 479


88.    Bugiolacchi R., Spudis P. D., Guest J. E. (2006) Stratigraphy and composition of lava flows in Mare Nubium and Mare Cognitum Meteoritics and Planetary Science 41 (2), 285-304


89.    Giguere T.A., Hawke B.R., Gaddis L.R., Blewett D.T., Gillis-Davis J.J., Lucey P.G., Smith G.A., Spudis P.D., and Taylor G.J. (2006) Remote sensing studies of the Dionysius region of the Moon.  J.Geophys. Res. 111, E06009,doi:10.1029/2005JE002639


90.    Lawrence D.J., Puetter R. C., Elphic R. C., Feldman W. C., Hagerty J. J., Prettyman T. H. and Spudis P. D. (2007) Global spatial deconvolution of Lunar Prospector Th abundances.  Geophys. Res. Lett.,  34, No. 3, L0320110.1029/2006GL028530


91.    Cremins T. and Spudis P.D. (2007) The Strategic Context of the Moon: Echoes of the past, Symphony of the future.  Astropolitics 5, 1, 87-104.


92.    Chin G., Brylow S., Foote M., Garvin J., Kasper J., Keller J., Litvak M., Mitrofanov I., Paige D., Raney K., Robinson M., Sanin A., Smith D., Spence H., Spudis P., Stern A., and Zuber M. (2007) Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Overview:  The Instrument Suite and Mission.  Space Sci. Rev. 129, 391-419.

92a.  Spudis P.D. (2007) The Moon: A New Destination for America.  AIAA von Karman Lecture, AIAA Space 2006, 1-8.


93.    Spudis P.D., Bussey B., Plescia J., Josset J-L., and S. Beauvivre (2008) Geology of Shackleton crater and the south pole of the Moon.  Geophys. Res. Lett. 35,L14201, doi:10.1029/2008GL034468


94.    Spudis P.D., Nozette S., Bussey B., Raney K., Winters H., Lichtenberg C., Marinelli W., Crusan J., and M.M. Gates (2009) Mini-SAR: An imaging radar experiment for the Chandrayaan-1 mission to the Moon. Current Science 96, no. 4, 25 Feb. 2009.


95.    Thomson B.J., E. B. Grosfils, D. B. J. Bussey, and P. D. Spudis (2009), A new technique for estimating the thickness of mare basalts in Imbrium Basin, Geophys. Res.Lett., 36, L12201, doi:10.1029/2009GL037600


96. Spudis, P.D., D.B.J. Bussey, S.M. Baloga, B.J. Butler, D. Carl, L.M. Carter, M. Chakraborty, R.C. Elphic, J.J. Gillis-Davis, J.N. Goswami, E. Heggy, M. Hillyard, R. Jensen, R.L. Kirk, D. LaVallee, P. McKerracher, C.D. Neish, S. Nozette, S. Nylund, M. Palsetia, W. Patterson, M.S. Robinson, R.K. Raney, R.C. Schulze, H. Sequeira, J. Skura, T.W. Thompson, B.J. Thomson, E.A. Ustinov, and H.L. Winters (2010) Initial results for the north pole of the Moon from Mini-SAR, Chandrayaan-1 mission, Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L06204, doi:10.1029/2009GL042259.


97. Nozette S., P. Spudis, B. Bussey, R. Jensen, K. Raney, H. Winters, C. L. Lichtenberg, W. Marinelli,  J. Crusan, M. Gates and M. Robinson (2010) The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Miniature Radio Frequency (Mini-RF) Technology Demonstration.  Space Science Reviews 150, 285-302.


98. Bussey D.B.J., J.A. McGovern, P.D. Spudis, C.D. Neish, H. Noda, Y. Ishihara, S.-A. S�rensen (2010) Illumination conditions of the south pole of the Moon derived using Kaguya topography.  Icarus 208, 2, 558-564.


99.  Raney R.K.,  Spudis P. D., Bussey B.,  Crusan J.,  Jensen J.R., Marinelli W., McKerracher P.,  Neish C.,  Palsetia M., Schulze R., Sequeira H. B.,  and Winters H.  (2010) The Lunar Mini-RF Radars: Hybrid Polarimetric Architecture and Initial Results.  Proc.IEEE 99, 1-6, 10.1109/JPROC.2010.2084970

99a. Spudis P.D. and Lavoie T. (2010) Mission and implementation of an affordable lunar return.  Space Manufacturing 14,, 32 pp.

100. Neish C. D., D.B.J. Bussey, P. Spudis, W. Marshall, B.J. Thomson, G.W. Patterson,L.M. Carter (2011) The nature of lunar volatiles as revealed by Mini-RF observations of the LCROSS impact site. Jour. Geophys. Res. 116, E01005, doi:10.1029/2010JE003647, 2001


101. Spudis P.D. (2011) The Moon: Port of Entry to Cislunar Space. In Toward a Theory of Space Power: Selected Essays, C.D. Lutes and P.L. Hays, eds., Institute for National Strategic Studies, National Defense University, Washington DC, Chapter 12, 241-251.


102. Spudis P.D.and Lavoie A.R. (2011) Using the Resources of the Moon to Create a Permanent Cislunar Space Faring System. Space 2011 Conf. and Expos., Amer. Inst. Aeronautics Astronautics, Long Beach CA, AIAA 2011-7185, 24 pp.


103. Spudis P.D., Wilhelms D.E. and Robinson M.S. (2011) The Sculptured Hills of the Taurus Highlands: Implications for the relative age of Serenitatis, basin chronologies and the cratering history of the Moon. Jour. Geophys. Res. 116, E00H03, doi:10.1029/2011JE003903


104. Carter L.M., Neish C.D., Bussey D.B.J., Spudis P.D., Patterson G.W., Cahill J.T., and Raney R.K. (2012) Initial observations of lunar impact melts and ejecta flows with the Mini-RF radar.  Jour. Geophys. Res. 117, doi:10.1029/2011JE003911


105.  Taylor G.J., Martel L.M.V., and Spudis P.D. (2012) The Hadley-Apennine KREEP basalt igneous province.  Meteoritics and Planet. Sci. 47, 5, 861-879.


106.  Thomson B.J., Bussey D.B.J., Neish C.D., Cahill J.T.S., Heggy E., Kirk R.L., Patterson G.W., Raney R.K., Spudis P.D., Thompson T.W. and Ustinov E.A. (2012) An upper limit for ice in Shackleton crater as revealed by LRO Mini-RF orbital radar.  Geophys. Res. Letters 39, L14201, doi:10.1029/2012GL052119

107.  Spudis P.D., McGovern P.J. and Kiefer W.S. (2013) Large shield volcanoes on the Moon.  Jour. Geophys. Res. 118, 5, 1063-1081.

108.  McGovern J.A., Bussey D.B.J., Greenhagen B.T., Paige D.A., Cahill J.T.S., and Spudis P.D. (2013) Mapping and characterization of non-polar permanent shadows on the lunar surface.  Icarus 223, 566-581.


109.  Lawrence, S.J., J. D. Stopar, B.R. Hawke, B.T. Greenhagen, J.T.S. Cahill, J.L. Bandfield, B.L. Jolliff, B.W. Denevi, M.S. Robinson, T.D. Glotch, D.B.J. Bussey, P.D. Spudis, T.A. Giguere, and W.B. Garry (2013) LRO Observations of Morphology and Surface Roughness of Volcanic Cones and Lobate Lava Flows in the Marius Hills.  Jour. Geophys. Res. 118, 4, 615-634.

110.  Hood L. L., Richmond N.C. and Spudis P.D. (2013) Origin of Strong Lunar Magnetic Anomalies: Further Mapping and Examinations of LROC Imagery in Regions Antipodal to Young Large Lunar Basins.  Jour. Geophys. Res. 118, 6, 1265-1284.

111.  Spudis P.D., Bussey D.B.J., Baloga S.M., Cahill J.T.S., Glaze L.S., Patterson G.W., Raney R.K., Thompson T.W., Thomson B.J. and Ustinov E.A. (2013) Evidence for water ice on the Moon: Results for anomalous polar craters from the LRO Mini-RF imaging radar.  Jour. Geophys. Res. 118, 10, 2016-2029.

112.  Spudis P.D., Martin D.J.P and Kramer G. (2014) Geology and composition of the Orientale basin impact melt sheet.  Jour. Geophys. Res. 119, 1, 19-29.

113.  Plescia J.B. and Spudis P.D. (2014) Impact melt flows at Lowell crater.  Planet. Space Sci. 103, 219-227.

114.  Cahill J.T.S., Thomspon B.J., Patterson G.W., Bussey D.B.J., Neish C.D., Lopez N.R., Turner F.S., Aldridge T., McAdam M., Meyer H.M., Raney R.K., Carter L.M., Spudis P.D., Hiesinger H., Pasckert J.H. (2014) The Miniature Radio Frequency instrument's (Mini-RF) global observations of Earth's Moon.  Icarus 243, 173-190.

115.  Jawin E.R., Kiefer W.S., Fassett C.I., Bussey D.B.J., Cahill J.T.S., Dyar M.D., Lawrence S.J. and Spudis P.D. (2014) The relationship between radar scattering and surface roughness of lunar volcanic features. J. Geophys. Res. 119, 11, 2331�2348.

116.  Spudis P.D. (2015) Volcanism on the Moon.  In Encyclopedia of Volcanoes, 2nd Edition, Sigurdsson H. et al., eds., Academic Press, New York, 689-700.

117.  Spudis P.D. (2015) The Moon as an Enabling Asset for Spaceflight. Space Policy 32, 9-10.

118.  Lavoie T. and Spudis P.D. (2016) The Purpose of Human Spaceflight and a Lunar Architecture to Explore the Potential of Resource Utilization.  AIAA Space 2016, SPACE Conferences and Exposition, AIAA 2016-5526,

119Hood L.L. and Spudis P.D. (2016)  Magnetic anomalies in the Imbrium and Schr�dinger impact basins: Orbital evidence for persistence of the lunar core dynamo into the Imbrian epoch. J. Geophys. Res. 121, doi:10.1002/2016JE005166.

120.  Patterson G.W., Stickle A.M., Turner F.S., Jensen J.R., Bussey D.B.J., Spudis P.D., Espiritu R.C., Schulze R.C., Yocky D.A., Wahl D.E., Zimmerman M., Cahill J.T.S., Nolan M., Carter L., Neish C.D., Raney R.K., Thomson B.J., Kirk R., Thompson T.W., Tise B.L., Erteza I.A. and Jakowatz C.V. (2017) Bistatic radar observations of the Moon using Mini-RF on LRO and the Arecibo Observatory.  Icarus 283, 2-19.

121.  Spudis P.D. and Sliz M.U. (2017) Impact melt of the lunar Crisium multiring basin. Geophys. Res. Lett. 44, doi:10.1002/2016GL071429.



1. Spudis P.D. and Greeley R. (1977) Volcanism in the cratered terrain hemisphere of Mars - A preliminary Viking view: National Aeronautics Space Administration Technical Memorandum TM X‑78436, 32‑33.


2. Spudis P.D. and Greeley R. (1977) Volcanism in the cratered uplands of Mars - A preliminary Viking view:  EOS, American Geophysical Union Transactions, v. 58, 1182.


3. Spudis P.D. and Greeley R. (1977) Surficial geologic mapping of Mars, in Lunar Science VIII:  Lunar Science Institute, Houston, Texas, 887‑889.


4. Spudis P.D., Greeley R., and Bunch T. (1977) Surficial geologic mapping of Mars: American Astronomical Society Bulletin 9, 443.


5. Spudis P.D. and Head J.W. (1977) Geology of the Imbrium basin Apennine Mountains and the origin of pre-Imbrian topography in Lunar Science VIII: Lunar Science Institute, Houston, Texas,  890‑892.


6. Greeley R. and Spudis P.D. (1978) Ridges in western Columbia Plateau, Washington - Analogs to mare-type ridges?, in Lunar and Planetary Science IX: Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, Texas, 411‑412.


7. Greeley R. and Spudis P.D. (1978) Mare volcanism in the Herigonius region of the Moon: in Lunar and Planetary Science IX:  Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, Texas, 408‑410.


8. Greeley R., Spudis P.D., and Johannensen D. (1978) Geology and aeolian features of the Hellas basin floor: National Aeronautics and Space Administration Technical Memorandum TM X‑78455, 19‑21.


9. Greeley R., Spudis P.D., and Womer M.B. (1978) The Patera of Mars - a unique style of planetary volcanism:  EOS American Geophysical Union Transactions, v. 59, 310.


10. Spudis P.D. (1978) Composition and origin of the Apennine Bench Formation, in Lunar and Planetary Science IX: Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, Texas, 1086‑1088.


11. Spudis P.D. (1978) Origin and distribution of KREEP in Apollo 15 soils, in Lunar and Planetary Science IX: Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, Texas, 1089‑1091.


12. Schultz P.H. and Spudis P.D. (1978) The dark ring of Orientale: implicationsf or pre-basin mare volcanism and a clue to the identification of the transient cavity rim, in Lunar and Planetary Science IX:  Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, Texas, 1033‑1035.


13. Hawke B.R. and Spudis P.D. (1979) Chemical mixing model studies of lunar basin ejecta deposits:  Conference Lunar Highlands Crust, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, Texas, 53‑55.


14. Hawke B.R., Spudis P.D., and Clark P.E. (1979) Geochemical anomalies on the lunar eastern limb and far side: Conference Lunar Highlands Crust, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, Texas, 56‑58.


15. Ryder G. and Spudis P.D. (1979) Volcanism prior to the termination of the heavy bombardment: Evidence, characteristics and concepts: Conference Lunar Highlands Crust, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, Texas, 132‑143.


16. Schultz P.H., Spudis P.D., and Sellers D. (1979) Evidence for ancient lunar basalts, in Lunar and Planetary Science X:  Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, Texas, 1084‑1086.


17. Spudis P.D. (1979) The extent and duration of lunar KREEP volcanism: Conference Lunar Highlands Crust., Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, Texas, 157‑159.


18. Spudis P.D. (1979) The extent and duration of lunar highland volcanism, in Reports of Planetary Geology Programs: National Aeronautics and Space Administration Technical Memorandum 80339, 270‑272.


19. Hawke B.R., Spudis P.D., and Clark P.E. (1980) Lunar geochemical anomalies detected by orbital remote sensing, in Reports of Planetary Geology Programs:  National Aeronautics and Space Administration Technical Memorandum 81776, 316‑318.


20. Hawke B.R., Spudis P.D., and Metzger A.E. (1980) Lunar basin ejecta compositions: A summary of chemical mixing model studies:  Conference on Multi-ring Basins, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, Texas, 42‑44.


21. Spudis P.D. (1980) Petrology of the Apennine Front, Apollo 15: Implications for the geology of the Imbrium impact basin: Conference on Multi-ring Basins, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, Texas, 83‑85.


22. Spudis P.D. and Greeley R. (1980) The volcanic resurfacing history of Mars, in Reports of Planetary Geology Program: National Aeronautics and Space Administration Technical Memorandum 81776, 173‑175.


23. Spudis P.D. and Ryder G. (1980) Apollo 17 impact melts and the geology of theTaurus-Littrow highlands: Conference on Multi-ring Basins, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, Texas, 86‑88.


24. Hawke B.R., Spudis P.D., Head J.W., and McCord T.B. (1981) Remote sensing studies of the Apollo 16 - Descartes regions, in Workshop on Apollo 16:  Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, Texas, 44-46.


25. Spudis P.D. (1981) The nature of lunar basin ejecta deposits inferred from Apollo highland landing site geology, in Reports of Planetary Geology Programs:  National Aeronautics and Space Administration Technical Memorandum 84211, 120‑122.


26. Spudis P.D. and Greeley R. (1981) The geology of Tyrrhena Patera: Implications for martian central vent volcanism, in Papers presented to the Third International Mars Colloquium:  Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, Texas, 247‑249.


27. Spudis P.D. and Hawke B.R. (1981) Chemical mixing model studies of lunar orbital geochemical data: Apollo 16 and 17 highlands compositions, in Lunar and Planetary Science XII:  Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, Texas, 1028‑1030.


28. Spudis P.D. and Hawke B.R. (1981) Geochemical provinces of the central lunar highlands and relation to the Apollo 16 landing site, in Workshop on Apollo 16: Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, Texas, 129‑131.


29. Spudis P.D. and Schultz P.H. (1981) The importance of volcanism in early lunar history:  EOS American Geophysical Union Transactions, 62, 1079‑1080.


30. Hawke B.R., Jackowski T.L., Spudis P.D., and Metzger A.E. (1982) Chemical mixing model studies of the Orientale basin region:  Lunar and Planetary Science XIII, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, Texas, 306‑307.


31. Hawke B.R., Spudis P.D., and Clark P.E. (1982) The origin of selected geochemical anomalies on the lunar surface:  Lunar and Planetary Science XIII, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, Texas, 308‑309.


32. Spudis P.D. (1982) Orientale basin ejecta: Depths of derivation and implications for the basin-forming process, in Lunar and Planetary Science XIII:  Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, Texas, 760‑761.


33. Spudis P.D. (1982) The excavation of lunar multi-ring basins, in Reports of Planetary Geology Programs:  NationalAeronautics and Space Administration Technical Memorandum, 114‑116.


34. Spudis P.D. and Davis P.A. (1983) The identification of regional deposits of lunar pristine rocks from orbital geochemical data, in Workshop on Pristine Highlands Rocks and the Early History of the Moon:  Lunar and Planetary Institute Tech. Report 83‑02, 67‑69.


35. Pike R.J. and Spudis P.D. (1983) Ring spacing of mercurian multi-ring basins and basin ring formation, in Reports of Planetary Geology Programs:  National Aeronautics and Space Administration Technical Memorandum 86246, 90‑92.


36. Schultz P.H. and Spudis P.D. (1983) The beginning and end of mare volcanism on the Moon. in Lunar and Planetary Science XIV:  Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, Texas, 676‑677.


37. Spudis P.D. (1983) The excavation of lunar multi-ring basins: Additional results for four nearside basins, in Lunar and Planetary Science XIV: Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston,Texas, 735‑736.


38. Spudis P.D. (1983) Mercury:  New identification of ancient multi-ring basins and implications for geologic evolution, in Reports of Planetary Geology Programs:  National Aeronautics and Space Administration Technical Memorandum 86246, 87‑89.


39. Spudis P.D. (1983) Multiring impact basin control on the distribution of mercurian tectonism and volcanism: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs,v. 15, no. 6, 694.


40. Spudis P.D. and Schultz P.H. (1983) Some geochemical and geophysical implications of very old and very young lunar mare volcanism, in Lunar and Planetary Science XIV:  Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, Texas, 737‑738.


41. Boyce J.M., Pike R.J., and Spudis P.D. (1984) Basin ring spacing on the planets: New data from Venus: Lunar and Planetary Science XV Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, Texas, 86‑87.


42. Hawke B.R., Cloutis E., Owensby P., Lucey P., Bell J.F., and Spudis P.D. (1984) Spectral reflectance studies of the Orientale basin region of the Moon: Preliminary results:  Lunar and Planetary Science XV, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, Texas, 350‑351.


43. Hawke B.R., Lucey P., Bell J.F., and Spudis P.D. (1984) Spectral reflectance studies of Orientale Basin deposits: American Astronomical Society Bulletin, v. 16, no. 3, 666‑667.


44. Hawke B.R., Lucey P., Bell J.F., and Spudis P.D. (1984) Spectral reflectance studies of the Orientale region of the Moon:  Meteoritics, v. 19, no. 4, 235‑236.


45. Masursky H. and Spudis P.D. (1984) The lunar base site selection and science,in Lunar Bases and Space Activities in the 21st Century:  NASA-NAS Symposium, 2.


46. Moore J., Spudis P.D., Pike R.J., and Greeley R., (1984) Multi-ringed basins of saturnian satellites: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v.16, no. 6, 600.


47. Pike R.J. and Spudis P.D. (1984) Similar spacing of basin rings on Mars, Mercury and the Moon:  Lunar and Planetary Science XV: Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, Texas, 647‑648.


48. Spudis P.D. (1984) Lunar field geology and the lunar base, in Lunar Bases and Space Activities in the 21st Century: NASA-NAS Symposium, 6.


49. Spudis P.D. (1984) A Mercurian time-stratigraphic classification. American Astronomical Society Bulletin v. 16, no. 3, 667-668.


50. Spudis P.D. (1984) Significance of Apollo 16 impact melts to the geology of the lunar terrae:  Lunar and Planetary Science XV, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, Texas, 808‑809.


51. Spudis P.D., Cintala M.J., and Grieve R.A.F. (1984) The early Moon: Implications of a large impact into a hot target:  Lunar and Planetary Science XV, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, Texas, 810‑811.


52. Spudis P.D., Cintala M.J., and Hawke B.R., (1984) A geological traverse across the Imbrium basin region, in Lunar Bases and Space Activities in the 21st Century:  NASA-NAS Symposium, 7.


53. Spudis P.D., Hawke B.R., and Jackowski T. (1984) Geochemical mixing-model studies of ejecta from lunar farside basins: Implications for crustal models:  Lunar and Planetary Science XV, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, Texas, 812‑813.


54. Spudis P.D. and Strobell M.E. (1984) New identification of ancient multi-ring basins on Mercury and implications for geologic evolution:  Lunar and Planetary Science XV: Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, Texas, 814‑815.


55. Ward A.W. and Spudis P.D. (1984) Tectonic environments of martian flood lavas: Lunar and Planetary Science XV: Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, Texas, 886‑887.


56.  Davis P.A. and Spudis P.D. (1985) A petrologic province map of the lunar highlands from orbital geochemical data:  Lunar and Planetary Science XVI, 167‑168.


57. Hawke B.R., Lucey P., Bell J.F., Owensby P., Spudis P.D., and Davis P.A. (1985) Spectral studies of the highlands around the Nectaris basin: Preliminary results:  Lunar and Planetary Science XVI, 329-330.


58. Pike R.J. and Spudis P.D. (1985) More evidence for the 2.00.5D mean spacing of basin rings:  Lunar andPlanetary Science XVI, 663-664.


59. Pike R.J. and Spudis P.D. (1985) Ring-diameter ratios for multi-ring basins average 2.00.5, in Reports of Planetary Geology Programs:  National Aeronautics and Space Administration TM 87563, 192‑194.


60. Pike R.J., Spudis P.D., and Clow G.D. (1985) Average spacing of rings at individual multi-ring basins is 2.00.5 D, in Reports of Planetary Geology Program: National Aeronautics and Space Administration TM 87563, 189‑191.


61. Ryder G. and Spudis P.D. (1985) Materials in the Apennine Front, Apollo15:  Lunar and Planetary Science XVI, 722‑723.


62. Schultz P.H. and Spudis P.D. (1985) Procellarum Basin: A major impact or the effect of Imbrium?:  Lunar and Planetary Science XVI, 746-747.


63. Spudis P.D. (1985) A Mercurian chronostratigraphic classification, in Reports of Planetary Geology Programs: National Aeronautics and Space Administration TM 87563, 595‑597.


64. Spudis P.D. and Davis P.A. (1985) How much anorthosite is in the lunar crust?  Implications for lunar crustal origin: Lunar and Planetary Science XVI, 807‑808.


65. Spudis P.D. and Schultz P.H. (1985) The proposed lunar Procellarum basin: Some geochemical inconsistencies:  Lunar and Planetary Science XVI, 809‑810.


66. Ward A.W. and Spudis P.D. (1985) Martian tectonics of evidenced by lava fissures, in Reports of Planetary Geology Programs:  National Aeronautics and Space Administration TM 87563, 598‑600.


67. Davis P.A. and Spudis P.D. (1986) Global petrologic variations on the Moon: A ternary-diagram approach. Lunar and Planetary Science XVII, 158‑159.


68. Greeley, Ronald and Spudis P.D. (1986) Hadley Rille, lava tubes and mare volcanism at the Apollo 15 site, in Workshop on the Geology and Petrology of the Apollo 15 Landing site:  Lunar and Planetary Institute Tech. Report 86‑03, 58‑61.


69. Hawke B.R., Coombs C.R., Lucey P.G., Bell J.F., Owensby P.D., Spudis P.D., and Davis P.A. (1986) Remote sensing studies of the Nectaris highlands, in Reports of Planetary Geology and Geophysics Program:  NASA Technical Memorandum 88383, 526‑527.


70. Ryder G. and Spudis P.D. (1986) Diversity of impact melt compositions at the Apennine Front:  Lunar and Planetary Science XVII, 744-745.


71. Spudis P.D. (1986) The materials and formation of the Imbrium basin, in Workshop on the Geology and Petrology of the Apollo 15 Landing Site:  Lunar and Planetary Institute Tech. Report 86‑03, 100‑104.


72. Spudis P.D. (1986) The Moon: A touchstone for planetary science: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 18, no. 5, 415.


73. Spudis P.D. and Davis P.A. (1986) A chemical and petrological model of the lunar crust:  Lunar and Planetary Science XVII, 818‑819.


74. Spudis P.D. and Guest J.E. (1986) Stratigraphy and geologic history of Mercury:  The Mercury Conference (International Astronomical Union and Division of Planetary Sciences, AAS) Tucson, Arizona, 27.


75. Spudis P.D. and Hawke B.R. (1986) The Apennine Bench Formation revisited, in Workshop on the Geology and Petrology of the Apollo 15 Landing Site:  Lunar and Planetary Institute Tech. Report 86‑03, 105‑107.


76. Spudis P.D. (1987) Composition and structure of the lunar crust: A regional perspective:  International Union Geodesy and Geophysics, XIX General Assembly, Vancouver, BC.


77. Spudis P.D. and Davis P.A. (1987) Petrologic mapping of the Moon from orbital chemical data: Implications for early lunar igneous history:  Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs, v. 19, no. 7, 854.


78. Spudis P.D. and Guest J.E. (1987) Paleogeologic maps of Mercury's surface: Lunar and Planetary Science XVIII, 940‑941.


79. Spudis P.D. and Hawke B.R. (1987) The use of basin ejecta to determine lunar crustal structure and composition: Current models and LGO Contributions:  Lunar and Planetary Science XVIII, 942‑943.


80. Hawke B.R., Spudis P.D., and Cintala M.J. (1988) Geoscience investigations conducted from a manned lunar base:  2nd Symposium on Lunar Bases and Space Activities of the 21st Century, Houston, Tex., LPI Contr. 652, 110.


81. McCormick K., Taylor G.J., Keil K., Spudis P.D., Grieve R.A.F., and Ryder G. (1988) Sources of clasts in impact melts: Lunar Planetary Science XIX, LPI, Houston, 748‑749.


82. Spudis P.D., Davis P.A., and Pattanaborwornjak B. (1988) The Fe-Al relation of lunar soils and orbital chemical data: Implications for Al abundances estimated from Apollo orbital gamma ray data: Lunar and Planetary Science XIX, LPI, Houston, 1113‑1114.


83. Spudis P.D., Hawke B.R., and Lucey P.G. (1988) Geology and deposits of the lunar Nectaris basin:  Lunar and Planetary Science XIX, LPI, Houston, 1115‑1116.


84. Spudis P.D. and Taylor G.J. (1988) The roles of humans and robots as field geologists on the Moon:  Lunar Bases and Space Activities of the 21st Century, 2nd Symposium, Houston, Tex., LPI Contr. 652, 230.


85. Hawke B.R., Lucey P.G., and Spudis P.D. (1988) Impact structures as probes of the lunar interior:  Meteoritics, v. 23, no. 3, 273.


86. Hawke B.R. Lucey P.G., Spudis P.D., and Owensby P.D. (1989) Impact structures as crustal probes: A summary of recent progress.  Lunar and Planetary Science XX, LPI, Houston, 391.


87. Spudis P.D. (1989) Stratigraphy and cratering history of the Moon: Our understanding 20 years after Apollo 11: Lunar and Planetary Science XX, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, SS6-SS7.


88. Spudis P.D. (1989) Geology of the Moon: Our understanding 20 years after Apollo11:  Geol. Soc. America Ann. Mtg., Abstracts with Programs, v. 21, no. 6, A121.


89. Spudis P.D., Hawke B.R., and Lucey P.G. (1989) The lunar Crisium basin: Geology, rings, and deposits: Lunar and Planetary Science XX, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, 1042-1043.


90. Taylor G.J. and Spudis P.D. (1989) Field work on the Moon: Why we need it and how to do it:  Geol. Soc. AmericaAnn. Mtg., Abstracts with Programs, v. 21, no. 6, A302.


91. Hawke B.R. Spudis P.D., Lucey P.G., and Bell J.F. (1990) The composition of the crust in the Orientale region of the Moon: A pre-Galileo view.  Lunar and Planetary Science XXI, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, 473-474.


92. Spudis P.D. (1990) Young dark mantle deposits on the Moon: Workshop on lunar volcanic glasses: Scientific and Resource potential, J. W. Delano and G.Heiken, eds., Lunar and Planetary Institute Tech. Report 90-02, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, 60-61.


93. Spudis P.D. and Plescia J.B. (1990) Lunar Observer and global geoscience of the Moon: EOS, Transactions American Geophysical Union, v. 71, no. 28, 889.


94. Spudis P.D. Taylor G.J., McCormick K.A., Ryder G., Keil K., and Grieve R.A.F.,(1990) Clasts in lunar impact melts and the origin of low-K Fra Mauro basalt. Lunar and Planetary Science XXI, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, 1188-1189.


95. Swindle T., Spudis P.D., Taylor G.J., Korotev R., Nichols R.H., and Olinger C.T. (1990) Searching for Crisium basin ejecta: Chemistry and ages of Luna 20 impact melts. Lunar and Planetary Science XXI, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, 1229-1230.


96. Hawke B.R., Lucey P.G., Bell J.F., and Spudis P.D. (1991) Ancient mare volcanism.  Workshop on Mare Volcanism and Basalt Petrogenesis, Lunar and Planetary Institute Technical Report 91-03, 13-14.


97. Hawke B.R., Lucey P.G., Taylor G.J., Bell, J.F., Blewett D., Horton K., and Spudis P.D. (1991) Remote sensing studies of the Orientale basin region. Lunar and Planetary Science XXII, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, 537-538.


98. Hawke B.R., Peterson C.A., Lucey P.G., Taylor G.J., Bell J.F., Blewett D., Campbell B., Coombs C.R., and Spudis P.D. (1991) Remote sensing studies of the terrain northwest of the Humorum basin. Lunar and Planetary Science XXII, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, 539-540.


99. Hawke B.R., Lucey P.G., Taylor G.J., Bell J.F., Blewitt D.T., Peterson C.A., Horton K., and Spudis P.D. (1991) Remote sensing studies of the western limb of the Moon: Geol. Society America Annual Meeting Vol. 23, no.5, A369.


100. Spudis, P.D. (1991) Geology of the Moon: A Review of current understanding.  EOS, Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union, v. 72, n. 17, April 23, 179.


101. Spudis P.D., Ryder G., and Taylor G.J. (1991) Lunar LKFM basaltic impact melts: Clues to impact processes and crustal compositions:  Geol. Society America Annual Meeting vol. 23, no. 5, A369.


102. Taylor G.J. and Spudis P.D. (1991) Strategy for the geologic exploration of the Moon,  Lunar and Planetary Science XXII, 1387-1388.


103. Taylor G.J. and Spudis P.D. (1991) Earth and Moon: Inexorably Intertwined: Geol. Society America Annual Meeting Vol. 23, no. 5, A368.


104. Blewitt D.T., Hawke B.R., Lucey P.G., Bell J.F., Bell III, J.F., Taylor G.J., Petrson C.A., and Spudis P.D. (1992) A near-IR spectral investigation of the Schiller-Schickard region of the Moon. Lunar and Planetary Science XXIII, 123-124.


105. Hawke B.R., Lucey P.G., Taylor G.J., Peterson C.A., and Spudis P.D. (1992) The distribution and modes of occurrence of lunar anorthosite. Lunar and Planetary Science XXIII, 505-506.


106. Hawke B.R., Peterson C.A., Lucey P.G., Taylor G.J., Blewitt D.T., and Spudis P.D. (1992) Spectral reflectance studies of the Grimaldi region of the Moon.  Lunar and Planetary Science XXIII, 507-508.


107. Spudis P.D. (1992) Lunar resource assessment: Strategies for surface exploration. Workshop on Lunar Resource Assessment Technologies, Santa Fe, NewMexico, 60-62.


108. Spudis P.D. (1992) The large impact process inferred from the geology of lunar multi-ring basins. Paper presented to the International Conference on Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution, Sudbury, Ontario, August, 1992, Lunar and Planetary Institute Contribution 790, 69-71.


109. Spudis P.D., Hawke B.R., Lucey P.G., Taylor G.J., and Peterson C. (1992) Geology and deposits of the Humorum basin.  Lunar and Planetary Science XXIII, 1345-1346.


110. Spudis P.D. (1992) Crust-forming magmatism: Evidence from remote-sensing and planetary samples. Geol. Society America Abst. Programs v.24, no.7, A134-135.


111.  Spudis P.D. (1992) Basaltic impact melts in the Apollo collections: How many impacts and which events are recorded?  Workshop on Geology of the Apollo 17 landing site, LPI Tech. Report 92-09, 55-57.


112. Baloga S. and Spudis P. (1993) Reconstruction of the dynamics of the 1800-1801 Hualalai eruption: Implications for planetary lava flows.  Lunar Planetary Science XIV, 55-56.


113. Blewett D.T., Hawke B.R., Lucey P.G., Bell J.F., Jaumann R., Hiesinger H., Neukum G., and Spudis P.D. (1993) Spectral and multispectral imaging studies of lunar mantled mare deposits. Lunar Planetary Science XIV, 133-134.


114. Hawke B.R., Blewett D.T., Lucey P.G., Taylor G.J., Peterson C.A., Bell J.F., Robinson M.S., Coombs C.R., Jaumann R., Hiesinger H., Neukum G., and Spudis P.D. (1993) Remote sensing studies of the northeastern portion of the lunar near side. Lunar Planetary Science XIV, 617-618.


115. Norman M.D., Taylor G.J., Spudis P.D., and Ryder G. (1992) Lithologies contributing to the clast population in Apollo 17 LKFM basaltic impact melts. Workshop on Geology of the Apollo 17 landing site, LPI Tech. Report 92-09, 42-44.


116. Peterson C.A., Hawke B.R., Lucey P.G., Taylor G.J., Blewett D.T., Spudis P.D. (1993) Spectral reflectance studies of the Humorum basin region. Lunar Planetary Science XIV, 1133-1134.


117. Spudis P.D. (1993) Resource exploration: Science needs and methods. NASA SERC Symposium: SCF Missions to the Moon and Mars, Tucson AZ, AIS-93, 16-20.


118. Spudis P.D. (1993) The influence of impact basins on the geological evolution of Mars.  EOS, TransactionsAmerican Geophysical Union vol.74, no. 16, 198.


119. Spudis P.D. and Lucey P.G. (1993) Contributions of the Clementine mission to our understanding of the processes and history of the Moon.  Lunar and Planetary Science XIV, 1337-1338.


120. Spudis P.D. and Sharpton V.L. (1993) Impact basins on Venus and some interplanetary comparisons. Lunar Planetary Science XIV, 1339-1340.


121. Spudis P.D., Hawke B.R., and Lucey P.G. (1993) Geology and deposits of the Serenitatis basin. Lunar Planetary Science XIV, 1341-1342.


122. Spudis P.D. and Sharpton V.L. (1993) Size and configuration of the Chicxulub impact basin and some comparisons with basins on the other planets.  EOS Transactions American Geophysical Union, vol. 74, no. 33, 388.


123.  Blewett D.L., Hawke B.R., Lucey P.G.,and Spudis P.D. (1994)  A spectral survey of the Crisium region of the Moon. Lunar and Planetary Science XXV, 127-128.


124.  Peterson C.A., Hawke B.R., Lucey P.G., Taylor G.J., and Spudis P.D. (1994) The distribution of lithogical units in the western highlands of the Moon. Lunar and Planetary Science XXV, 1077-1078.


125.  Sharpton V.L., Marin L.E., Schuraytz B.C., Spudis P.D., and Ryder G. (1994) Constraints on excavation and mixing during the Chicxulub impact event.  Lunar and Planetary Science XXV, 1255-1256.


126.  Spudis P.D., Plescia J.B., and Stewart A.D. (1994)  Return to Mercury:  The Discovery Mercury Polar Flyby mission.  Lunar and Planetary Science XXV, 1323-1324.


127.  Spudis P.D. (1994) Clementine and the evolution of the Moon.  American Geophys. Union Spring Meeting, EOS  75, 222.


128.  Blewett D.T., Hawke B.R., Lucey P.G.,and Spudis P.D. (1995) Exploring the Crisium region with multispectral imagery. Lunar Planet. Sci. XXVI, 137-138


129.  Gillis J.J. and Spudis P.D. (1995) Clementine color mosaics of Procellarum volcanic complexes: Evidence for dome morphology linked to volatile content and eruption rate.  Lunar Planet. Sci.XXVI, 459-460.


130.  Hawke B.R., Peterson C.A., Coombs C.R. ,Lucey P.G., Smith G.A., Taylor G.J., McEwen A.S., Robinson M.S., and Spudis P.D. (1995) Remote sensing studies of the Aristarchus region of the Moon.  LunarPlanet. Sci. XXVI, 559-560.


131.  Hawke B.R., Peterson C.A., Lucey P.G.,Coombs C.R., and Spudis P.D. (1995) Remote sensing studies of the Grimaldi region of the Moon.  Lunar Planet. Sci. XXVI, 561-562.


132.  Hawke B.R., Peterson C.A., Lucey P.G., Taylor G.J., Blewett D.T., and Spudis P.D. (1995) Remote sensing study of lunar anorthosite deposits.  Lunar Planet. Sci. XXVI, 563-564.


133.  Spudis P.D. (1995)  Clementine laser altimetry and multi-ring basins on the Moon.  Lunar Planet. Sci. XXVI,1337-1338.


134.  Spudis P.D., Stockstill K.R., Ockels W.J., and Kruiff M. (1995) Physical environment of the lunar south pole from Clementine data: Implications for future exploration of the Moon.  Lunar Planet. Sci. XXVI, 1339-1340.


135.  Spudis P.D. (1995) Inventory of multi-ring basins on the Moon after the Clementine mission  Meteoritics 30, 582.


136.  Bussey D.B.J. and Spudis P.D. (1996) A compositional study of lunar sinuous rilles.  Lunar Planet. Sci. XXVII, 183-184.


137.  Gillis J.J. and Spudis P.D. (1996) The composition and geologic setting of lunar far side maria.  LunarPlanet. Sci. XXVII, 413-414.


138.  Lucey P.G., Taylor G.J., Hawke B.R., and Spudis P.D. (1996) Iron and titanium concentrations in South Pole-Aitken basin:  Implications for lunar mantle composition and basin formation.  Lunar Planet. Sci. XXVII, 783-784.


139.  Nozette S., Lichtenberg C.L., Spudis P.D., Bonner R., Ort W., Malaret E., Robinson M., and Shoemaker E.M. (1996) Clementine bistatic radar experiment: Preliminary results.  Lunar Planet. Sci. XXVII, 967.


140.  Peterson C.A., Hawke B.R., Lucey P.G., Taylor G.J., Blewett D.T., and Spudis P.D. (1996) Anorthosite on the lunar nearside and farside.  Lunar Planet. Sci. XXVII, 1025-1026.


141.  Spudis P.D. and Adkins C.D. (1996) Morphometry of basins on the Moon: New results from Clementine laser altimetry. Lunar Planet. Sci. XXVII 1253-1254.


142. Spudis P.D., Hawke B.R., Lucey P.G., Taylor G.J., and Stockstill K.R. (1996) Composition of ejecta deposits of selected lunar basins from Clementine elemental maps.  Lunar Planet. Sci. XXVII, 1255-1256.


143.  Taylor G.J., Lucey P.G., Hawke B.R., and Spudis P.D. (1996) Composition of the lunar maria.  LunarPlanet. Sci. XXVII, 1317.


144.  Morrison D.A., Bussey D.B.J., Spudis P.D., and Smailbegovic A. (1996) The Apollo basin and the deep lunar crust: Spectral signatures from the Clementine mission.  Geol. Soc. America Annual Meeting 28, no.7, A317.


145.  Spudis P.D. (1996) The Moon as a complex planetary object. Geol. Soc. America Annual Meeting 28, no.7, A175.


146.  Bussey D.B.J. and Spudis P.D. (1996) Spectral studies of the lunar Humboldtianum basin.  EOS, Trans. American Geophys. Union 77, 46, F448-F449.


147.  Lucey P.G., Taylor G.J., Hawke B.R., and Spudis P.D. (1996) Composition of the South Pole-Aitken basin. EOS, Trans. American Geophys. Union 77,46, F448.


148.  Peterson C.A., Hawke B.R., Lucey P.G.,Taylor G.J., Blewett D., and Spudis P.D. (1996)  Anorthosite in the lunar crust. EOS, Trans. American Geophys. Union 77, 46, F448.


149.  Bussey D.B.J., Spudis P.D., Hawke B.R., Lucey P.G., Peterson C., and Taylor G.J. (1997)  Humorum basin geology from Clementine data.  Lunar Planet. Sci. XXVIII, 185-186.


150.  Bussey D.B.J., Spudis P.D., Lucey P.G., Blewett D.T., and Hawke B.R. (1997) A new look at the Apollo 16 landing siteusing Clementine data.  Lunar Planet. Sci. XXVIII, 187.


151.  Gillis J.J., Spudis P.D., and Bussey D.B.J. (1997)  The geology of the Smythii and Marginis basins using intergrated remote sensing techniques: A look at what�s around the corner. Lunar andPlanet. Sci. XXVIII, 419-420.


152. Hawke B.R., Coombs C.R., Gaddis L.R., Lucey P.G., Peterson C.A., Robinson M.S., Smith G.A., and Spudis P.D. (1997) Remote sensing studies of geologic units in the eastern Nectaris region of the Moon.  Lunar Planet. Sci. XXVIII, 529-530.


153.  Peterson C.A., Hawke B.R., Lucey P.G., Taylor G.J., Blewett D.T., and Spudis P.D. (1997) Lunar anorthosite: Identification and distribution of remnants of the primordial lunar crust.  Lunar Planet. Sci. XXVIII, 1097-1098.


154.  Robinson M.S., Hawke B.R., Lucey P.G., Taylor G.J., and Spudis P.D. (1997) The color of Mercury.  LunarPlanet. Sci. XXVIII, 1189-1190.


155.  Spudis P.D., Bussey D.B.J., Hawke B.R., Lucey P.G., and Blewett D. (1997) Crisium basin geology from Clementine data.  Lunar Planet. Sci. XXVIII,1361-1362.


156.  Bussey D.B.J., Spudis P.D., Hawke B.R., Lucey P.G., and Blewett D. (1997) Nectaris basin ejecta from Clementine data.  Meteoritics 32,4, A25.


157.  Hawke B.R., Peterson C.A., Blewett D.T., Lucey P.G., Taylor G.J., and Spudis P.D. (1997) The stratigraphy of the lunar crust: A pre-Prospector view.  Meteoritics 32, 4, A57.


158.  Peterson C.A., Hawke B.R., Lucey P.G., Taylor G.J., Blewett D.T., and Spudis P.D. (1997)  Spacecraft and groundbased identification of lunar anorthosite.  Meteoritics 32, 4, A106.


159.  Spudis P.D., Bussey D.B.J., and Stockstill K.R. (1997)  The environment and geological setting of the south pole from Clementine data.  Meteoritics 32,4, A123.


160.  Spudis P.D. (1997)  Science results and lessons learned from the Clementine mission.  Euromoon Science and Payload Workshop, 29-30 October, 1997, ESTEC, ESA, Noordwijk NL.


161.  Spudis P.D. and Bussey D.B.J. (1997) Euromoon science activities at a south polar landing site.  Euromoon Science and Payload Workshop, 29-30 October, 1997, ESTEC, ESA, Noordwijk NL.


162.  Bussey D.B.J., Spudis P.D., Nozette S.,and Lichtenberg C.L. (1998) Analysis of the lunar polar lighting conditions as seen by Clementine.  In Lunar and Planetary Science XXIX, 1373, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (CD-ROM).


163.  Bussey D.B.J., Spudis P.D., Hawke B.R., Lucey P.G., and Taylor G.J. (1998) Geology and composition of the Apennine mountains, lunar Imbrium basin.  In Lunar and Planetary Science XXIX, 1352, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (CD-ROM).


164.  Gillis J.J. and Spudis P.D. (1998) Clementine color mosaics of lunar far side mare.  In Lunar and PlanetaryScience XXIX, 1522, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (CD-ROM).


165.  Gillis J.J. and Spudis P.D. (1998)  Inventory of FeO and TiO2compositions for mare deposits on the far side of the Moon.  In Lunarand Planetary ScienceXXIX, 1521, Lunar and PlanetaryInstitute, Houston (CD-ROM).


166.  Peterson C.A., Hawke B.R., Lucey P.G., Taylor G.J., Blewett D.T., and Spudis P.D. (1998) Remnants of the ancient lunar crust revealed by Clementine.  In Lunar and Planetary Science XXIX, 1659, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (CD-ROM).


167.  Robinson M.S., Hawke B.R., Lucey P.G., Taylor G.J., and Spudis P.D. (1998) Compositional heterogeneity of Mercury�s crust. In Lunar and Planetary Science XXIX, 1860, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (CD-ROM).


168.  Stockstill K.R. and Spudis P.D. (1998) Geology and deposits of the Hertzsprung basin.  In Lunar and PlanetaryScience XXIX, 1236, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (CD-ROM).


169.  Thomson B.J., Spudis P.D., and Bussey D.B.J. (1998) Impact craters as probes of the lunar crust.  In Lunar and Planetary Science XXIX, 1820, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (CD-ROM).


170.  Bussey D.B.J. and Spudis P.D. (1998) Analysis of lunar basins using Clementine data.  European Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, Nice, France.


171.  Bussey D.B.J. and Spudis P.D. (1998) Darkness at the lunar south pole as seen by Clementine.  European Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, Nice, France.


172.  Bussey D.B.J. and Spudis P.D. (1998) Lunar impact basins: Probes into the lunar crust.  Workshop on New Views of the Moon: Integrated Remotely sensed, geophysical, and sample datasets, Lunar and Planetary Institute Contribution 958, 22-23.


173.  Gillis J.J. and Spudis P.D. (1998) Differences observed in iron content between crater ejecta and surrounding mare basalt surfaces: Implications for sample-remote sensing integration. Workshop on New Views of the Moon:Integrated Remotely sensed, geophysical, and sample datasets, Lunar and Planetary Institute Contribution 958, 31-32.


174.  Hawke B.R., Giguere T.A., Lucey P.G., Peterson C.A., Taylor G.J., and Spudis P.D. (1998)  Multidisciplinary studies of ancient mare basalt deposits. Workshopon New Views of the Moon: Integrated Remotely sensed, geophysical, and sample datasets, Lunar and Planetary Institute Contribution 958, 37-38.


175.  Nozette S., Lichtenberg C.L., Bonner R., Spudis P.D., Robinson M. (1998) Comments on �Radar search for ice at the lunar south pole� by R. Simpson and G.L. Tyler. Workshop on New Views of the Moon: Integrated Remotely sensed, geophysical, and sample datasets, Lunar and Planetary Institute Contribution 958, 60-61.


175.  Spudis P.D., Cook A., Robinson M., Bussey D.B., and Fessler B. (1998) Topography of the south polar region from Clementine stereo imaging. Workshop on New Views of the Moon: Integrated Remotely sensed, geophysical, and sample datasets, Lunar and Planetary Institute Contribution 958, 69-70.


176.  Taylor G.J., Spudis P.D., Lucey P.G., and Hawke B.R. (1998) Bulk composition of the Moon  Origin of the Earth and Moon, Lunar and Planetary Institute Contribution 957, 44-45.


177.  Bussey D.B.J., M.S. Robinson,  and P.D. Spudis (1999) Illumination Conditions At The Lunar Poles. Lunar and Planetary Science XXX, CD-ROM, 1731


178.  Bussey D.B.J., M.S. Robinson, and P.D.Spudis (1999) Clementine High Resolution Imaging Of The Lunar South Pole. Lunar and Planetary Science XXX,  CD-ROM  1738


179.  Cook, A.C.,  P.D. Spudis, M. S. Robinson, T. R. Watters, and D. B. J.Bussey (1999) The topography of the lunar poles from digital stereo analysis.  Lunar and Planetary Science XXX, CD-ROM, 1154.


180.  Gillis, J.J., and P.D. Spudis (1999) Pre-flow Structure And Topography Controlling Mare Basalt Flows. Lunar and Planetary Science XXX, CD-ROM, 2019.


181. Gillis J.J., L. A. Haskin, P. D. Spudis (1999) An Empirical CalibrationTo Calculate Thorium Abundances From The Lunar Prospector Gamma-Ray Data. Lunar and Planetary Science XXX, CD-ROM 1699


182. Gillis J.J., P.D. Spudis, Mary Ann Hager, Mary Noel, Debra Rueb, James Cowan (1999) Digitized Lunar Orbiter IV Images: A Preliminary Step To Recording The Global Set Of Lunar Orbiter Images In Bowker & Hughes. Lunar and Planetary Science XXX, CD-ROM, 1770


183.  Hawke B.R., T. G. Giguere, D.T. Blewett, P. G. Lucey, C. A. Peterson, G. J. Taylor, and P. D. Spudis (1999) Remote Sensing Studies Of Ancient Mare Basalt Deposits. Lunar and Planetary Science XXX, CD-ROM, 1956


184.  Nozette S., P. D. Spudis, M. Robinson, B.Bussey, C. Lichtenberg, R Bonner (1999) Integration Of Lunar Polar Datasets. Lunar and Planetary Science XXX, CD-ROM  1665


185.  Peterson C.A., B. R. Hawke, P.G. Lucey, G. J. Taylor, D.T. Blewett, P.D. Spudis (1999) Remote Sensing Studies Of Highland Units On The Lunar Farside. Lunar and Planetary Science XXX,CD-ROM, 1624


186.  Rajmon D., Reid A., and Spudis P. (1999) Geology and stratigraphy of Mare Tranquillitatis.  Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 34, no. 4, A96.


187.   Spudis P.D., D.B.J. Bussey and B. R. Hawke (1999) Deposits of the Imbrium Basin: Montes Alpes and Caucasus Lunar and Planetary Science XXX, CD-ROM 1348


187a.  Stofan E.R., W.B. Banerdt, D.D. Bogard, B.A. Campbell, D. Grinspoon, R.M. Haberle, P.G.Lucey, C. Peterson, R.J. Phillips, C.M. Pieters, R.S. Saunders, S.E.Smrekar, P.D. Spudis (1999) The campaign strategy working group for the formation and dynamics of Earth-like planets: seeking to determine how earth-like planets form and evolve Lunarand Planetary Science XXX, CD-ROM, 1339


188.  Bussey D.B.J., Spudis P.D., and Gillis J.J. (1999) Lunar global petrologic variations.Workshop on New Views of the Moon II: Understanding the Moon through the integration of diverse datasets, LPI Contr. 980, 5-6.


189.  C.A.Peterson, B.R. Hawke, P.G.Lucey, G.J.Taylor, D.T. Blewett, and P.D. Spudis (1999) The distribution of anorthosite on the lunar far side. Workshop on New Views of the Moon II: Understanding the Moon through the integration of diverse datasets, LPI Contr. 980, 46-47.


190.  Spudis P.D., Bussey D.B.J., and Hawke B.R. (1999) Structure and composition of the lunar crust. Workshop on New Views of the Moon II: Understanding the Moon through the integration of diverse datasets, LPI Contr. 980, 61-62.


191.  Dunkin S.K., Heather D.J., Dandy C.L., Spudis P.D., and Bussey D.B.J. (2000) Stratigraphy of mare flows in southern Oceanus Procellarum. Lunar and Planetary Science XXXI, CD-ROM, 1357


192.  Giguere T.A., Hawke B.R., Smith G.A., Taylor G.J., Blewett D.T., Lucey P.G., and Spudis P.D. (2000) Mafic anomalies in the lunar highlands. Lunar and Planetary Science XXXI, CD-ROM, 1760


193.  Gillis J.J., Jollif B.L., Spudis P.D., Haskin L.A. (2000) Distribution of mare source regions: Evidence form remotely sensed data. Lunar and Planetary Science XXXI, CD-ROM, 2089


194.  Peterson C.A., Hawke B.R., Lucey P.G., Taylor G.J., Blewett D.T., and Spudis P.D. (2000) Anorthosite on the lunar far side and its relationship to South Pole-Aitken basin. Lunar and Planetary Science XXXI, CD-ROM, 1680


195.  Rajmon D. and Spudis P.D. (2000) Geology and stratigraphy of Mare Fecunditatis. Lunarand Planetary Science XXXI, CD-ROM, 1913


196.   Rose D.E. and Spudis P.D. (2000) Piercing the clouds: The stratigraphy of Mare Nubium. Lunar and Planetary Science XXXI, CD-ROM, 1364


197.  Spudis P.D., Bussey D.B.J., and Gillis J.J. (2000) Petrologic mapping of the moon from Clementine and Lunar Prospector data: incorporation of new thorium data. Lunar and Planetary Science XXXI, CD-ROM, 1414


198.  Rajmon D. and Spudis P.D. (2000) Basalt units and their distribution in Mare Fecunditatis.  Meteoritics and Planetary Science 35, no. 5, A133.


199.  Bussey D.B.J. and Spudis P.D. (2000) Lunar impact basins, probes into the lunar crust.  Workshop on New Views ofthe Moon III:  Synthesis of sample analysis, on-surface investigation, and remote sensing information.  Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston.


200.  Hawke B.R. Peterson C.A., Blewett D.T., Lucey P.G.,Taylor G.J., and Spudis P.D. (2000) The distribution of anorthosite on the Moon: Implications for the stratigrpahy of the lunar crust. Workshop o New Views of the Moon III:  Synthesis of sample analysis, on-surface investigation, and remote sensing information.  Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston.


201.  Boroughs L.L. and Spudis P.D. (2001) The stratigraphy of lava flows in Northern Oceanus Procellarum, Moon.  Lunar and Planetary Science XXXII, CD-ROM, 1192


202.  Hawke B.R., Blewett D. T., Lucey P.G., Smith G.A.,Taylor G.J., Lawrence D.J., and Spudis P.D. (2001) Remote sensing studies of selected spectral anomalies on the Moon.  Lunar and Planetary Science XXXII, CD-ROM, 1241


203.  Peterson C.A., Hawke B.R., Lucey P.G., Taylor G.J., Blewett D.T., and Spudis P.D. (2001) Lunar anorthosite: A global layer.  Lunar and Planetary Science XXXII, CD-ROM, 1592


204.  Rajmon D. and Spudis P.D. (2001) Distribution and stratigraphy of basaltic units in Mare Tranquillitatis.  Lunar and Planetary Science XXXII, CD-ROM, 2156


205.  Spudis P.D. and Baloga S.M. (2001) Mixing of the lunar regolith: A Clementine test.  Lunar and Planetary Science XXXII, CD-ROM, 1343.


206.  Spudis P.D. (2001) The geological history of Mercury.  Mercury: Space Environment, Surface, and Interior.  LPI Contr. No. 1097, 100-101.


207.  Bussey D.B.J., Robinson M.S., Edwards K., Spudis P.D., Lucey P.G., and Feldman W.C. (2002) Determination of permanently shadowed terrain in the lunar polar regions.  Lunarand Planetary Science XXXIII, 1819.


208.  Cook A.C., Spudis P.D., Robinson M.S., Watters T.R. (2002) Lunar topography and basins mapped using a Clementine stereo digital elevation model.  Lunar and Planetary Science XXXIII, 1281.


209.  Giguere T.A., Hawke B.R., Bussey D.B.J., Smith G.A.,Blewett D.T., Taylor G.J., Lucey P.G., and Spudis P.D. (2002) Cryptomare in the Lomonosov-Fleming region of the Moon. Lunar and Planetary Science XXXIII, 1466.


210.  Hawke B.R., Lawrence D.J., Blewett D.T., Lucey P.G., Smith G.A., Taylor G.J., and Spudis P.D. (2002) Remote sensing studies of geochemical and spectral anomalies on the nearside of the Moon.  Lunar and Planetary Science XXXIII, 1598.


211.  Peterson C.A., Hawke B.R., Blewett D.T., Bussey D.B.J.,Lucey P.G., Taylor G.J., and Spudis P.D. (2002) Geochemical units on the Moon: The Role of South Pole-Aitken basin. Lunar and Planetary Science XXXIII, 1601.


212.  Spudis P.D., Zellner N., Delano J., Whittet D.C.B., and Fessler B. (2002) Petrologic mapping of the Moon: A new approach. Lunar and Planetary Science XXXIII, 1104.


213.  Zellner N.E.B., Spudis P.D., Delano J.W., Whittet D.C.B. (2002) Apollo 14 impact glasses and Clementine data: Implications for regional geology.  Lunar and Planetary Science XXXIII, 1225.


214.  Hawke B.R., Lawrence D.J., Blewett D.T., Lucey P.G., Smith G.A., Taylor G.J., and Spudis P.D. (2002) Lunar highlands volcanism:  The view from a new millenium.  In The Moon Beyond 2002: Next Steps in Lunar Science and Exploration, LPI, Houston TX, 3035.


215.  Peterson C.A., Hawke B.R., Blewett D.T., Bussey D.B.J., Lucey P.G., Taylor G.J., and Spudis P.D. (2002) Compositional units on the Moon:  The role of South Pole-Aitken basin.  In The Moon Beyond 2002: Next Steps in Lunar Science and Exploration, LPI, Houston TX, 3034.


216.  Spudis P.D. and Fessler B. (2002) Searching for antipodal basin ejecta on the Moon.  The Moon Beyond 2002: NextSteps in Lunar Science and Exploration, LPI, Houston TX, 3066.


217.  Taylor G.J., Hawke B.R., and Spudis P.D. (2002) Bulk composition of the Moon: Importance, uncertainties, and what we need to know.  In The Moon Beyond 2002: Next Steps in Lunar Science and Exploration,LPI, Houston TX, 3049.


218.  Bussey D.B.J., Lucey P.G., Robinson M.R., Spudis P.D., and Edwards K.D., Steutel D.(2003) Permanent shadow in simple craters near the lunar poles.  Lunar Planet. Sci. XXXIV, CD-ROM, 1897.


219.  Hawke B.R., Blewett D.T., Bussey D.B.J., Giguere T., Lawrence D., Lucey P.G., SmithG., Spudis P.D., and Taylor G.J. (2003) Geochemical anomalies in the lunarhighlands.  Lunar Planet. Sci. XXXIV, CD-ROM, 1198.


220.  Hawke B.R., Lawrence D., Gillis J., Blewett D.T., Lucey P.G., Peterson C., Smith G.,Spudis P.D., and Taylor G.J. (2003) Spectral anomalies in the Imbrium region of the Moon.  Lunar Planet. Sci. XXXIV, CD-ROM, 1545.


221.  Spudis P. D. and Bussey D.B.J. (2003) South Pole-Aitken basin: Geology, basin floor, and unit compositions.  Lunar Planet. Sci. XXXIV, CD-ROM, 1693.


222.  Zellner N.E.B., Spudis P.D., Delano J.W., Whittet D.C.B., and Swindle T.D. (2003) Geochemistry and impact history at the Apollo 16 landing site.  Lunar Planet. Sci. XXXIV, CD-ROM, 1157.


223.  Baloga S.M., Glaze L.S., and Spudis P.D. (2004) A model for the origin of the dark ring at Orientale basin.  LunarPlanet. Sci, XXXV, CD-ROM, 1035.


224.  Buggiolachi R., Spudis P.D., and Guest J.E. (2004) Lava flows in Mare Nubium and Mare Cognitum: A geological history based on analysis of multispectral data.  Lunar Planet. Sci, XXXV, CD-ROM, 1507.


225.  Bussey D.B.J., Robinson M.R., Fristad K., and Spudis P.D. (2004) Permanent sunlight atthe lunar north pole.  Lunar Planet. Sci, XXXV, CD-ROM, 1387.


226.  Elphic R., Lawrence D.J., Feldman W.C., Bussey D.B.J., Spudis P.D., and Lucey P.G.(2004) On the search for water at the lunar poles: Results of forward modeling of permanently shaded areas and Lunar Prospector measurements.  Lunar Planet. Sci. XXXV, CD-ROM, 2147.


227.  Fristad K., Bussey D.B.J., Robinson M.R., Spudis P.D. (2004) Ideal landing sites near the lunar poles.  Lunar Planet.Sci, XXXV, CD-ROM, 1582.


228.  Gaddis L., Tanaka K., Hare T., Skinner J., Hawke B.R., Spudis P., Pieters C., and Lawrence D. (2004) A new lunar geologic mapping program.  Lunar Planet. Sci, XXXV, CD-ROM, 1418.


229.  Hackwill T., Guest J., and Spudis P. (2004) Basalts in Mare Humorum and SE Procellarum. Lunar Planet. Sci, XXXV, CD-ROM, 1062.


230.  Hawke B.R., Gillis J.J., Giguere T.A., Blewett D.J., Lawrence D.J., Lucey P.G., SmithG.A., Spudis P.D., and Taylor G.J. (2004) Remote sensing and geologic studies of the Balmer region of the Moon.  Lunar Planet. Sci, XXXV, CD-ROM, 1190.


231.  Jackson N.W., Spudis P.D., and Carter B.D. (2004) Preliminary findings of a study of the lunar global megaregolith.  LunarPlanet. Sci, XXXV, CD-ROM, 1055.


232.  Spudis P.D., Jackson N.W., Baloga S.M., Bussey D.B.J., and Glaze L. (2004) The composition of the lunar megaregolith: Some initial results from global mapping.  Lunar Planet. Sci, XXXV, CD-ROM, 1512.


233.  Bussey B., Fristad K., Schenk P., Robinson M., and Spudis P. (2005) The lunar polar environment: An overview. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 37,  7, 348


234.  Elphic R.C., Lawrence D.J., Feldman W.C., Prettyman T.H., Maurice S., Bussey B., Spudis P.D., and Lucey P.G. (2005) Using models of permanent shadow to constrain lunar polar water abundances. Lunar Planet. Sci. 36, 2297.


235.  Gaddis L.R., Skinner J.A., Hare T.M., Tanaka K., Hawke B.R., Spudis P., Bussey B., Pieters C., and Lawrence D.J. (2005) Lunar geologic mapping: Preliminary mapping of the Copernicus Quad.  Lunar Planet. Sci.36, 2021.


236.  Gaddis L., Skinner, J., Hare, T., Tanaka, K., Hawke, B.R., Spudis, P.,Bussey, B., Pieters, C., and Lawrence, D. (2005) Copernicus 1:2.5M Scale Mapping: Status of the lunar geologic mapping pilot project.  Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 37, 7, 347


237.  Giguere T., Hawke B.R., Gaddis L., Blewett D.T., Lucey P.G., Peterson C.A., Smith G.,Spudis P.D., and Taylor G.J. (2005) Remote sensing studies of the Dionysius region of the Moon.  LunarPlanet. Sci. 36, 1092.


238.  Hackwill T., Guest J.E., and Spudis P. (2005) Basalts in Mare Humorum and SE Procellarum.  Lunar Planet. Sci. 36, 1649.


239.  Hackwill T., Guest J.E., and Spudis P. (2005) Basalts in Mare Serenitatis, Lacus Somniorum, Lacus Mortis, and part of Mare Tranquillitatis.  Lunar Planet. Sci. 36, 1654.


240.  Spudis P.D. (2005) The crust of the Moon: Current understanding and some remaining problems.  Geological Society ofAmerica Abstracts with Programs, 37, 7, 347


241.  Spudis P.D., Bussey B., Lichtenberg C., Marinelli W., and Nozette S. (2005) Mini-SAR:An imaging radar for the Chnadrayaan-1 mission to the Moon.  Lunar Planet. Sci. 36, 1153.


242.  Zellner N.E.B., Swindle T.D., Barra F., Delano J.W., Tibbetts N., Whittet D.C.B., and Spudis P.D. (2005) Chemical and isotopic analyses of Apollo 16 glasses: An integrated approach.  Lunar Planet. Sci. 36, 1199.


243.  Zellner N.E.B., Swindle T.D., Barra F., Delano J.W., Tibbetts N., Whittet D.C.B., and Spudis P.D. (2005)  Earth-Moon impacts at ~ 300 Ma and ~500 Ma ago, Lunar Planet. Sci. 36, 1204.


244.  Gaddis L., Skinner J., Hare T., Tanaka K., Hawke B.R., Spudis P., Bussey B., Pieters C., and Lawrence D. (2006) The lunar geologic mapping program and the status of Copernicus quadrangle mapping.  Lunar Planet Sci. 37, 2135.


245.  Hawke B.R., Gigure T., Blewett D., Gillis J., Hagerty J., Lawrence D., Lucey P.,Peterson C., Smith G., Spudis P., and Taylor G.J. (2006) Ancient lunar volcanismin the Schiller-Schickard region of the Moon.  Lunar Planet. Sci. 37, 1516.


246.  Spudis P.D. (2007) Sampling the SPA basin: Some considerations based on the Apollo experience.  Workshop on Science Associated with the Lunar Exploration Architecture, Tempe AZ, Feb., 2007.


247.  Nozette S., Spudis P.D., Bussey B., and Plescia J. (2007) The strategic value of robotic precursors to human exploration of the lunar polar regions.  Workshop on Science Associated with the Lunar Exploration Architecture, Tempe AZ, Feb., 2007.


248.  Bussey D.B.J. , Spudis P.D., Nozette S., Lichtenberg C., Raney K., Marinelli W., and Winters H. (2007) Mini-RF:Imaging radars for exploring the lunar poles.  Lunar Planet. Sci. XXXVIII, 1610.


249.  Chin, G., Bartel A., Brylow S., Foote M., Garvin J., Kaspar J. Keller J., MitrofanovI., Raney K., Robinson M., Smith D., Spence H., Spudis P.D., Stern S.A.,  and Zuber M. (2007) Update on Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter: The instrument suite and mission.  LunarPlanet. Sci.XXXVIII, 1764.


250.  Hawke B.R., Giguere T., Blewett D., Campbell B., Gillis-Davis J., Hagerty J., Lawrence D., Lucey P., Peterson C., Smith G., Spudis P.D., and Taylor G.J..(2007) Remote sensing studies of the Schiller-Schickard region of the Moon:  Final results.  LunarPlanet. Sci. XXXVIII, 1474.


251.  Lawrence D., Puetter R., Elphic R., Feldman W., Hagerty J., Prettyman T., and Spudis P.D. (2007) Global Spatial Deconvolution of Lunar Prospector Th Abundances Using the Pixon and Jansson Deconvolution Methods. Lunar Planet. Sci. XXXVIII, 1883.


252.   Spudis P.D. (2008) Lunar Polar Exploration: Questions, Issues, and Missions.  Lunar Planet. Sci. XXXIX,1359.


253.  Hawke B.R. Giguere T.A.Blewett D.T. Boyce J.M. Gillis-Davis J.J. Hagerty J.J. Lucey P.G., Peterson C.A. Smith G.A. Spudis P.D. Taylor G.J. (2008) Light Plains and Cryptomare Deposits on the Northeastern Portion of the Lunar Nearside.  Lunar and Planet. Sci. XXXIX 1512


254. Bussey D.B.J. Spudis P.D. Nozette S. Lichtenberg C.L. Raney R.K. Marinelli W. Winters H.L. (2008) Mini-RF Imaging Radars for Exploring the Lunar Poles. Lunar Planet. Sci. XXXIX 2389.


255. Spudis P.D.  Plescia J.B. Bussey D.B.J.Josset J.-L. Beauvivre S. (2008) The Geology of the South Pole of the Moon and Age of Shackleton Crater.  Lunar Planet. Sci. XXXIX 1626


256. Bussey D.B.J., Josset J.-L. Beauvivre S. and Spudis P.D. (2008) A Comparison of Clementine and AMIE Lunar Polar Data.  Lunar Planet. Sci. XXXIX 1708


257. Bussey D.B.J., Sorensen S.-A., and Spudis P.D. (2009) Illumination and temperature modeling of the lunar polar regions.  Lunar Planet. Sci. XL, 2027


258. Gaskin J.A., 13 others, and Spudis P.D. (2009) Miniature scanning electron microscope for in situ planetary studies: Electron gun development.  Lunar Planet. Sci. XL, 2318


259. Hawke B.R., 10 others, and Spudis P.D. (2009) Remote sensing and geologic studies of the northeastern portion of the lunar near side: Final results. Lunar Planet. Sci. XL, 1483


260. Spudis P.D. andT aylor G.J. (2009) A major KREEP basalt-mare basalt unconformity on the Moon.  Lunar Planet. Sci. XL, 1039.


261.    Spudis P.D., and 14 others (2009) The Mini-SAR imaging radar on  the Chandrayaan-1 mission to the Moon.  Lunar Planet. Sci. XL, 1098.


262. Thomson B.J., Grosfils E.B., Bussey D.B.J., and Spudis P.D. (2009) The thickness of mare basalts in Imbrium basin estimated from penetrating craters.  Lunar Planet. Sci. XL, 1727.


263. Bussey B.,Spudis P.D., and 13 others (2010) Initial results from Mini-RF: A synthetic aperture radar on Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter.  Lunar Planet. Sci. XLI, 2319


264. Bussey D.B.J., McGovern J.A., Spudis P.D., Neish C., Sorensen S., Noda H., and Ishihara Y. (2010) Lunar polar illumination conditions derived using Kaguya laser data.  Lunar Planet. Sci. XLI, 2293


265. Carter L.M., Gillis-Davis J.J., Bussey B., Spudis P., and others (2010) Mini-RF observations of a sample of large lunar pyroclastic deposits.  Lunar Planet. Sci. XLI, 1563


266. Heggy E., Thomson B., Thompson T.W., Ustinov E., Fa W., Bussey B., Spudis P. (2010) Exploring the dialectric properties of the lunar crater fills from Mini-RF observations onboard Chandrayaan and LRO.  Lunar Planet. Sci. XLI, 2031


267. Lawrence S.J., Mechtley M., Spudis P., Bussey B., and Robinson M. (2010) Coordinated Mini-RF and LROC observations of the lunar surface.  Lunar Planet. Sci. XLI, 2689


268. McKerracher P.L. ,Jensen, Sequeira H., Spudis P and others (2010) Mini-RF calibration, a unique approach to on-orbit synthetic aperture radar system calibration.  Lunar Planet. Sci. XLI, 2352


269. Neish C.D., Bussey D.B.J., Spudis P., Thomson B., Patterson W., Carter L., and others (2010) Mini-RF observations in support of LCROSS.  Lunar Planet. Sci. XLI, 2075


270. Patterson W.,Bussey B., Spudis P.D. and others (2010) The geomorphology of the lunar surfaceas seen by the Mini-RF instrument on LRO.  Lunar Planet. Sci. XLI, 2316


271. Payne C.J., Spudis P.D., Bussey B., Thomson B. (2010) Scattering properties of lunar geological units revealed by the Mini-SAR imaging radar, Chandryaaan-1 mission.  Lunar Planet. Sci. XLI, 1211


272. Spudis P.D., Bussey B., and 17 others (2010) Results of the Mini-SAR imaging radar, Chandrayaan-1mission to the Moon.  Lunar Planet. Sci. XLI, 1224


273. Taylor G.J., Martel L.M., and Spudis P.D. (2010) Apollo 15 KREEP basalts and emplacement of theApennine Bench Formation.  Lunar Planet. Sci. XLI, 1510


274. Thomson B.J., Spudis P.D., Bussey D.B.J., Carter L., and others (2010) Roughness and radar polarimetry of lunar polar craters: Testing for ice deposits.  Lunar Planet. Sci. XLI, 2176


275. Trang D., Gillis-David J.J., Williams K., Bussey B., Spudis P., Carter L. and others (2010) Using Mini-RF to investigate the anomalous UVVIS spectrum in the Apollo and Plato region.  Lunar Planet. Sci. XLI, 2652


276. Bussey D.B.J., P.D.Spudis and the Mini-RF Team (2011) New insights into lunar processes and history from global mapping by Mini-RF radar.  Lunar Planet. Sci. XLII, 2086.


277. Quinn D.P., J. T.S. Cahill, D. B. J. Bussey, J. A. McGovern, P. D. Spudis, H. Noda, and Y.Ishihari  (2011) Exploration potential for highly illuminated points at the lunar poles using Kaguya, LOLA and LROC data sets.  Lunar Planet. Sci. XLII,  2518.


278. Spudis P.D., P. J. McGovern, W. S. Kiefer (2011) Large shield volcanoes on the Moon.  LunarPlanet. Sci. XLII, 1367.


279. Spudis P.D., D.E. Wilhelms, M.S. Robinson (2011) Sculptured Hills: Implications for the relative age of Serenitatis, basin chronologies and the cratering history of the Moon.  Lunar Planet. Sci. XLII, 1365.


280. Thomson B.J., D.B.J. Bussey, J.T.S. Cahill, C. Neish, G.W. Patterson and P.D. Spudis (2011) The interior of Shackleton crater as revealed by Mini-RF orbital radar.  Lunar Planet. Sci. XLII, 1626.


281. Spudis P.D., Bussey B. and Mini-RF Science Team (2011) Mini-RF evidence for ice at the poles of the Moon. A Wet vs. Dry Moon: Exploring Volatile Reservoirs and Implications for the Evolution of the Moon and Future Exploration, Houston TX, 6017.


282.  Bussey D.B.J. and Spudis P.D. (2011) A review of polar illumination studies using Clementine, SMART-1, Kaguya and LRO data. A Wet vs. Dry Moon: Exploring VolatileReservoirs and Implications for the Evolution of the Moon and Future Exploration, Houston TX, 6038.


283. Spudis P.D. (2011) New Insights Into Lunar Multi-ring Impact Basins. NASA Lunar Science Forum 2011, Ames Research Center,Moffett Field CA


284. Spudis P.D. and Lavoie T. (2011) Using the resources of the Moon to create a permanent, cislunar space faring system. LEAG Annual Meeting 2011, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston TX, 2021.


285. Baloga S.M., Glaze L.S., Spudis P.D. (2012) Inferred lunar boulder distributions at decimeter scales.  Lunar Planet. Sci. 43, 1647.


286. Grigsby B., Turney D., Patterson W., Bussey B., Neish C., Spudis P., Beisser K. (2012) Student planetary investigators: Students exploring the Moon through Mini-RF.  LunarPlanet. Sci. 43, 1862.


287. Jarwin E.R., Kiefer W.S., Bussey B., Cahill J.T., Dyar M., Fassett C.I., Lawrence S., and Spudis P.D. (2012) The relationship between radar scattering and surface roughness of lunar volcanic domes.  Lunar Planet. Sci. 43, 1333.


288. Jarwin E.R., Kiefer W.S., Bussey B., Cahill J.T., Dyar M., Fassett C.I., and Spudis P.D. (2012) Analyzing the surface roughness of the lunar mare.  Lunar Planet. Sci. 43, 1343.


289. Lawrence S.J.,Stopar J.D., Hawke B.R., Robinson M.S., Spudis P.D. and Giguere T.A. (2012) Characterizing volcanic domes in the Marius Hills region.  Lunar Planet. Sci.43, 2432.


290. Lemelin M., C. E. Roberts, D. M. Blair, K. D. Runyon, D. Nowka, D. A.Paige, P. D. Spudis and D. A. Kring (2012) Finding volatiles on the lunar surface: An innovative multi-sourced ARC GIS-based approach.  Lunar Planet. Sci. 43, 1067.


291. McGovern J.A., D. B. J. Bussey, B. T. Greenhagen, D. A. Paige, J. T. S.Cahill, M. Siegler, and P. D. Spudis (2012) Mapping and characterization of non-polar permanent shadows on the lunar surface.  Lunar Planet. Sci. 43, 2550.


292. Roberts C.E., D. M. Blair, M. Lemelin, D. Nowka, K. D. Runyon, D. A.Paige, P. D. Spudis, and D. A. Kring (2012) The potential for volatiles in the intercrater highlands of the lunar north pole.  Lunar Planet. Sci. 43, 1371.


293. Runyon K.D., D. M.Blair, M. Lemelin, D. Nowka, C. E. Roberts, D. A. Paige, P. Spudis, and D. A.Kring (2012) Volatiles at the lunar south pole: A case study for a mission to Amundsen crater.  Lunar Planet. Sci. 43, 1619.


294. Spudis P.D., Baloga S.M. and Glaze L.S. (2012) Radar scattering and block size properties of lunar crater ejecta from Mini-RF and LROC NAC data.  Lunar Planet. Sci. 43, 1461.


295. Thompson T.W., Ustinov E.A., Spudis P.D. and Fessler B.W. (2012) Modeling of radar backscattering from icy and rough lunar craters.  Lunar Planet. Sci. 43, 1069.


296. Thomson B.J., D. B. J. Bussey, J. T. S. Cahill, C. D. Neish, R. Kirk, G.W. Patterson, R. K. Raney, and P. D. Spudis (2012) Excess numbers of enhanced CPR craters in the lunar polar regions.  Lunar Planet. Sci. 43, 2104.


297. Trang D., Gillis-Davis J.J., Hawke B.R., Issacson P.J. and Spudis P.D. (2012) The geology of the Plato region of the Moon.  Lunar Planet. Sci. 43, 1792.

298.  Hood L.L., Richmond N.C. and Spudis P.D. (2013) Origin of strong lunar magentic anomalies: More detailed mapping and examination of LROC images in regions antipodal to young large impact basins.  Lunar Planet. Sci. 44, 1250

298.  Smith M.C. and Spudis P.D. (2013) Geologic map of the Nectaris basin and its deposits.  Lunar Planet. Sci. 44, 1248.

299.  Spudis P.D. and Smith M.C. (2013) Stratigraphy and composition of Nectaris basin deposits. 
Lunar Planet. Sci. 44, 1483.

300.  Bussey D.B.J., McGovern J.A., Stickle A.M. and Spudis P.D. (2014) Illumination simulations in support of lunar surface operations. Lunar Planet. Sci. 45, 2118.

301.  Bussey D.B.J., Spudis P.D. and Mini-RF team (2014) Bistatic radar observations of the Moon using the Arecibo Observatory and Mini-RF on LRO.  Lunar Planet. Sci. 45, 2704

302.  Hood L.L., Tsunakawa H. and Spudis P.D. (2014) Central magnetic anomalies in old lunar impact basins: New constraints on the earliest history of the former core dynamo.  Lunar Planet. Sci. 45, 1482.

303.  Martin D.J.P. and Spudis P.D. (2014) New Geological Map of the Lunar Orientale Basin. Lunar Planet. Sci. 45, 1368.

304.  Spudis P.D. and Martin D.J.P. (2014) Composition of the Deposits of the Lunar Orientale Basin.  Lunar Planet. Sci. 45, 146


305.  Murl J.N., Spudis P.D. and Kramer G.Y. (2015) Geological Mapping of the lunar Imbrium impact basin.  Lunar Planet. Sci. 46, 1719.

306.  Spudis P.D. and Murl J.  N. (2015) Impact melt from lunar multi-ring basins: Orientale and Imbrium.  Lunar Planet. Sci. 46, 1853.

307.  Spudis P.D. (2015) A robotic prospecting architecture for the Moon.  Lunar Exploration Analysis Group Annual Meeting, 2022.

308. Cohen B.A., S. J. Lawrence, N. E. Petro, G. D. Bart, R. N. Clegg-Watkins, B. W. Denevi, R. R. Ghent; R. L. Klima, G. A. Morgan, P. D. Spudis, and J. D. Stopar (2016) Identifying and characterizing impact melt outcrops in the Nectaris basin. Lunar Planet. Sci. 47, 1389.


309.  Denevi B.W., C. M. Ernst, L. M. Prockter, M. S. Robinson, P. D. Spudis, R. L. Klima, S. L. Murchie, S. C. Solomon, J. L. Whitten, R. Z. Povilaitis, and M. J. Kinczyk (2016) The origin of Mercury�s oldest surfaces and the nature of intercrater plains resurfacing.  Lunar Planet. Sci. 47, 1624.


310.  Hager M.A., Spudis P.D., Bigwood D.P., Chapell L.S., and Cherry S.N. (2016) The LPI Regional Planetary Image Facility, Lunar Planet. Sci. 47, 1205.


311.  Hood L.L., H. Tsunakawa, and P. D. Spudis (2016) Magnetic anomalies within the Schrodinger impact basin: Orbital evidence for the persistence of the former core dynamo into the Imbrian epoch.  Lunar Planet. Sci. 47, 1303.


312.  Nagurney A.B., Treiman A.H., Spudis P.D. (2016) Petrology, bulk composition and provenance of meteorite NWA5000.  Lunar Planet. Sci. 47, 1103.


313.  Patterson G.W., A.M. Stickle, F.S. Turner, J.R. Jensen, D.B.J. Bussey, P.D. Spudis, R.C. Espiritu, R.C. Schulze, D.A. Yocky, D.E. Wahl, M. Zimmerman, J.T.S. Cahill, M. Nolan, L. Carter, C.D. Neish, R.K. Raney, B.J. Thomson, R. Kirk, T. W. Thompson, B.L. Tise, I.A. Erteza, C.V. Jakowatz (2016) Mini-RF/AO bistatic observations of the floor of Cabeus crater and their implications for the presence of water ice.  Lunar Planet. Sci. 47, 2320.


314.  Sliz M.U. and Spudis P.D. (2016) New geologic map of the lunar Crisium basin. Lunar Planet. Sci. 47, 1678.


315.  Spudis P.D. and Sliz M.U. (2016) Impact melt from the lunar Crisium multi-ring basin.  Lunar Planet. Sci. 47, 1463.


316.  Thomson B.J., P. D. Spudis, P. O. Hayne, J. T. S. Cahill, and G. W. Patterson (2016) Evidence for possible low-density regolith at the lunar poles.  Lunar Planet. Sci. 47, 2426.

317.  Spudis P.D. and Lavoie T. (2016) A new architecture to explore the potential of lunar resource utilization.  2016 Lunar Exploration and Analysis Group Annual Meeting, Columbia Md, 5007.

318.  Schmidt E.F. and Spudis P.D. (2017) Geological map of the Humboldtianum basin and its deposits.  Lunar and Planet. Sci. 48, 1035.

319.  Fortezzo C.M., Spudis P.D., and Harrel S.L. (2017) Digital global geologic map of the Moon at 1:5,000,000-scale: Global unit concatenation, boundary reconciliation, and linear feature mapping.  Lunar Planet. Sci. 48, 1242.

320.  van der Bogert C. H.,  Hiesinger H., Spudis P.,  Runyon K.D.,  Denevi B.W. (2018) The Age of the Crisium Impact Basin. Lunar  Planet.Sci. 49, 1028

321.  Cartwright S.F.A. and Spudis P.D. (2018) Geology of the lunar Moscoviense basin.  Lunar Planet. Sci. 49, 1060.

322.  Fortezzo C.M. and Spudis P.D. (2018) Digital global geologic map of the Moon at 1:5,000,000-scale: Year 2 progress.  Lunar Planet. Sci. 49, 2433.

323.  Hood L.L., Oliveira J.S., Spudis P.D. and Galluzzi V. (2018) Investigating sources of Mercury's crustal magnetic field: Further mapping of MESSENGER magnetometer data. Lunar Planet. Sci. 49, 2109.

324.  Spudis P.D. (2018) A comparison of lunar basin impact melt compositions.  Lunar Planet. Sci. 49, 1089.



1. Spudis P.D. and Prosser J.G. (1984) Geologic map of the Michelangelo quadrangle of Mercury:  U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Map, I‑1659.


2. Greeley Ronald, Spudis P.D., and Guest J.E. (1988) Geologic map of the Ra Patera area of Io. U. S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Map I-1949.




1. (CR) Spudis P.D. and Greeley R. (1976) Surficial geology of Mars: A study in support of a penetrator mission to Mars. National Aeronautics Space Administration Technical Memorandum TM X‑73184, 54 pp.


2. (ER) Greeley R., Womer M.B., Papson R.P., and Spudis P.D., (eds.) (1978) Aeolian features of Southern California: a comparative planetary geology guidebook:  National Aeronautics and Space Administration Office of Planetary Geology, Washington, D.C., 264 pp.


3. (AR) The Lunar and Planetary Sample Team (Taylor L.A., Korotev R., McKay D.S., Ryder G., Spudis P.D., Taylor G.J., Vaniman D., and Warren P.) (1985) Horizons and opportunities in lunar sample science:  Lunar and Planetary Institute Technical Report 85‑04, 32 pp.


4. (CR) Spudis P.D. (1986) Site selection for manned Mars missions: A geological perspective. in Manned Mars Missions, NASA-Marshall Space Flight Center M002, 578‑589.


5. (ER) Spudis P.D. and Ryder G., eds. (1986) Workshop on the Geology and Petrology of the Apollo 15 Landing Site: Lunar and Planetary Institute Technical Report 86‑03, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, 126 pp.

6.  (AR) Spudis P.D., Hawke B.R., Hood L.L., Schultz P.H., Taylor G.J. and Wilhelms D.E. (1986) Status and Future of Lunar Geoscience.  NASA SP-484, 68 pp.


7. (AR) Phillips R., Davies M., Drake M., Duke M., Haskin L., Head J.W., Hood L., Lin R., Muhleman D., Nash D., Pieters C., Sjogren W., Spudis P., Taylor J., and Trombka J. (1986) Contributions of a Lunar Geoscience Observer (LGO) Mission to Fundamental Questions in Lunar Science: Southern Methodist University, Dept. of Geological Sciences, 86 pp.


8. (ER) Taylor G.J. and Spudis P.D., eds. (1990) Geoscience and a Lunar Base: A Comprehensive Plan for Lunar Exploration. NASA Conference Publication 3070, 73 pp.


9. (ER) Ryder G., Schmitt H.H., and Spudis P.D. (1992) Workshop on Geology of the Apollo 17 Landing Site, Lunar and Planetary Institute Technical report 92-09, Part 1, 63 pp.

10.  (AR)  Phillips R.J., Arnold J., Carrier D., Davies M., Drake M., Duke M., Elphic R., Haskin L., Hood L., Lewis J., Muhleman D., Nash D., Pieters C., Sharpton B., Spudis P., Stern A. and Taylor G.J. (1992) A Planetary Science Strategy for the Moon.  NASA JSC-25920, 25 pp.


11. (AR) B.L. Jolliff, L.R. Gaddis, C.R.Neal, C.K. Shearer, R.C. Elphic, J.R. Johnson, L.P. Keller, R.L. Korotev, D.J.Lawrence, P.G. Lucey, J.J. Papike, C.M. Pieters, G. Ryder, P.D. Spudis, and L.A. Taylor (2000) New Views of the Moon: Understanding the Moon Through the Integration of Diverse Datasets  EOS, Transactions American Geophys.Union, vol. 81. No. 31, 349, 355-356.

12. (AR) Aldridge E.C., Fiorina C.S.,Jackson M.P., Leshin L.A., Lyles L.L., Spudis P.D., Tyson N.D., Walker R.S.,and Zuber M.T. (2004) A Journey to Inspire, Innovate, and Discover: Report of the President�s Commission on Implementation of United States Space Exploration Policy. U.S. Govt. Printing Office, Washington DC, 60 pp.



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Spudis Lunar Resources was created by renowned planetary geologist Paul D. Spudis (1952-2018) and is archived by the National Space Society with the kind permission of the Spudis family.

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