Two Radio Appearances – one past, one future

The media blitz to promote The Value of the Moon continues apace!  I was a guest yesterday (Wednesday, May 18, 2016) on the local NPR radio show, Houston Matters, discussing the book and the benefits of lunar return in general.  That appearance can be heard HERE.

Next week (Thursday, May 26, 2016), I am scheduled to appear on another local NPR show, The Jefferson Exchange, which is on from 8:00 am to 10:00 am Pacific time — I am scheduled to appear in the second hour (9:00 am to 10:00 am, PDT).  The show is live-streamed HERE.

UPDATE:  The podcast of my appearance on the Jefferson Exchange (Oregon public radio) can be heard HERE.

This entry was posted in Lunar development, space policy, space technology, Space transportation. Bookmark the permalink.

5 Responses to Two Radio Appearances – one past, one future

  1. Grand Lunar says:

    Glad to hear that promotions are going on!

    We really need this idea to get out to the public and educate them.

    Good luck on the NPR program!

  2. Joe says:

    Just finished reading the book.

    Not a surprise for those of us who read this website regularly, but a great readable primer for new arrivals to the concept.

    Here is hoping it gets the widespread attention it deserves (especially among potential decision makers).

    Good luck with the publicity tour.

  3. Warren Platts says:

    Congratulations on the new book Paul! Got it on order! 🙂

  4. We’re about eight months away from a new administration and, hopefully, a new NASA focus on returning permanently to the lunar surface.

    Your efforts, Dr. Spudis, and others in the aerospace and space sciences community should help to create a positive atmosphere for a permanent lunar return so that Congress and the Executive branch in 2017 can make the right decision in this matter for NASA’s near term future.


  5. Chris Castro says:

    Greetings to all! Yes, I most certainly concur——the Moon would be the most beneficial intermediate destination, towards any long-run plans for manned interplanetary endeavors. A change in Presidential administrations is at hand, and with it, hopefully we get a wiser person in the Oval Office, who’ll be receptive to our dynamic ideas with regard to a new manned American Lunar effort. May humanity finally get the courage to depart from low earth orbit, in the next decade! [Or the very next after that.]

    I honestly don’t care which Earthian nation achieves this much-needed milestone for the future, of first 21st century foray into deep space. If China sends its spacemen Moonward, to test out a new set of cis-lunar vehicles, in anticipation of a near-term landing, that’d be just fine with me! Because such a grand here-&-now feat, would inevitably stir up feelings of competition & envy, here in America, and an international space technology rivalry could definitely be a GOOD thing! It seems that the United States always stagnates in space, as long as the other space-faring countries do nothing more than the bland & dull LEO stuff. Humanity has been trapped in LEO for the entire span of time that I have been alive! Can the U.S. or China finally make an escape from the dreg-filled wastes of Low Earth Orbit?——-which during the Apollo years, was merely the beginning of the journey, not the end of it. May one of the big space-faring countries eventually see the technological wisdom of grappling with a Moonbase program, in the close future!

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