Category Archives: Space transportation

Restoring America’s Space Program: An Ambitious But Achievable Path

Last month’s national election results have confounded this year’s annual crop of retrospective pieces on space. Instead of a guarantee of business as usual, America has elected a President that defies normal political calculation. Hanging in the balance are questions … Continue reading

Posted in Lunar development, Lunar exploration, space industry, space policy, space technology, Space transportation | 39 Comments

Favorable Signs for a Lunar Return

New post up at Air & Space discusses events at the recent annual meeting of the Lunar Exploration Analysis Group (LEAG), including a report on Congressman Jim Bridenstine’s great speech to the attendees (which I urge you to read in … Continue reading

Posted in Lunar development, Lunar exploration, space policy, space technology, Space transportation | 30 Comments

The National Geographic Society’s “Mars” – Nova Fabula

For me, a child of the Sixties, the National Geographic Society (NGS, or “Society”) provided an amazing window into the wonderful world of discovery. Founded in 1888, the Society has produced an enormous catalogue of books, TV programs and movies. … Continue reading

Posted in planetary exploration, space policy, space technology, Space transportation | 19 Comments

Lost in Space or Thrown Away? – Revisiting the 2009 Augustine Committee Report

“Lost in Space 2016,” a public forum held recently in Houston at the Baker Institute of Rice University, was enlightening, although perhaps not in the sense the organizers intended. Seven space policy experts were invited to come and share their … Continue reading

Posted in Lunar development, Lunar exploration, space policy, space technology, Space transportation | 47 Comments

Book Review Roundup

It’s now been five months since my book The Value of the Moon was published and I am happy to report that it has been well received.  Let us hope that more people see the value of lunar return and … Continue reading

Posted in China space program, Lunar development, Lunar exploration, space industry, space policy, space technology, Space transportation | 26 Comments

Lowering the Cost of Human Spaceflight

Three approaches, each with their own advantages and disadvantages.  My new post up at Air&Space, for your consideration.  Comment here, if desired.

Posted in Lunar development, space industry, space policy, space technology, Space transportation, Uncategorized | 45 Comments

Not Vaunted, Not Clever and Not Working – The State of America’s Space Program

Recent events have focused our attention yet again on the gap between promises made and the reality of our national civil space program’s performance. It’s easy to see, if one cares to look at the big picture, that while our … Continue reading

Posted in Lunar development, space policy, space technology, Space transportation | 81 Comments

Virtues of the 90-Day Study

Broach the topic of the “90-Day Study” with almost any random person involved with space for more than 25 years and you’re likely to provoke a reaction akin to showing Dracula a crucifix. This document is now offered as a … Continue reading

Posted in Lunar development, Lunar exploration, Lunar Science, planetary exploration, space industry, space policy, space technology, Space transportation | 32 Comments

China continues its Long March to the Moon

I have a new post up at Air & Space discussing some recent developments in the Chinese space program and what they might mean.  Comment here if you are so moved. FYI, below are some of my previous posts on … Continue reading

Posted in China space program, Lunar development, Lunar exploration, space policy, space technology, Space transportation | 6 Comments

Delusions of a Mars Colonist

A perennial talking point promoted by the space media is the belief that to save humanity, we must make a beeline to Mars. Supposedly, Mars is so “Earth-like” that it is the natural second home for humanity in space, a … Continue reading

Posted in Lunar development, planetary exploration, space policy, space technology, Space transportation | 34 Comments