Category Archives: China space program

A Commercial Human Flight to the Moon?

Early this week, SpaceX held a conference call to announce that two private individuals have paid their firm a “significant deposit” to be flown around the Moon next year. Although details are sketchy to nonexistent, it would appear that the … Continue reading

Posted in China space program, Lunar exploration, space industry, space policy, space technology, Space transportation | 31 Comments

Book Review Roundup

It’s now been five months since my book The Value of the Moon was published and I am happy to report that it has been well received.  Let us hope that more people see the value of lunar return and … Continue reading

Posted in China space program, Lunar development, Lunar exploration, space industry, space policy, space technology, Space transportation | 26 Comments

China continues its Long March to the Moon

I have a new post up at Air & Space discussing some recent developments in the Chinese space program and what they might mean.  Comment here if you are so moved. FYI, below are some of my previous posts on … Continue reading

Posted in China space program, Lunar development, Lunar exploration, space policy, space technology, Space transportation | 6 Comments