Monthly Archives: December 2014

On the Habitability of the Moon and Mars

After reading the comments to a question recently posed at Reddit, I’m once again struck by how quickly a serious discussion about space can fly off the rails without knowledge of basic facts and their implications. The question that was … Continue reading

Posted in Lunar development, planetary exploration, space policy, space technology, Space transportation | 53 Comments

The Demise of a Well-Informed Public

Two recent pieces published in the bellwether of Beltway conventional wisdom, the Washington Post, compel me to respond. The first article focuses on the demise of the aerospace manufacturer North American Aviation (founded in 1928), the company that built the … Continue reading

Posted in Lunar exploration, space industry, space policy, space technology, Space transportation | 41 Comments

The Flight of Orion

New post up at “Once and Future Moon” on the Orion spacecraft, its upcoming test flight this week, and some observations on the program in general.  Comment here if you are so inclined.

Posted in Lunar exploration, Lunar Science, planetary exploration, space policy, space technology, Space transportation, Uncategorized | 11 Comments