Comments on: What Do We Really “Need” From Space? Fri, 03 Aug 2018 06:04:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: Paul Spudis Sun, 07 Apr 2013 11:05:39 +0000 I am familiar with this line of argument. We’ve heard it before a thousand times — such and such is “impossible” because it’s too expensive, too hard or technically infeasible. Fundamentally, it reflects the classic Malthusian argument that resources are finite and population is excessive. I don’t buy that argument. Your mileage may vary.

By: Alex Sun, 07 Apr 2013 10:01:21 +0000 “If shortage and want are inevitable, why have they decreased with time?” Because we’ve been on a fossil fuel joyride, we’ve had access to vast supplies of cheap concentrated energy which has enabled the exponential growth and development of modern civilization. Fossil fuels are the lifeblood of modern civilization. In your articles about space exploration and utilization I’ve seen some of the most practical real world arguments for this area of human endeavor. But I suggest that you should also give more attention to Earthly issues and challenges, as they might stand between us and an awesome space future. That’s why I highly recommend reading this article, written by an astrophysicist working at the University of San Diego:

By: denniswingo Fri, 08 Feb 2013 05:32:03 +0000 Amen brother Paul, could not have said it better myself…

By: billgamesh Wed, 09 Jan 2013 04:24:30 +0000 “If we were to collect sunlight via solar arrays and ‘beam’ it back to earth via microwaves or other methods, or find a way to harvest and use He3 from the Moon, there wouldn’t be the need to expand our use of fossil fuels as the world population increases. The space age is here, like it or not,-”

Well, the space age was here and we decided it cost too much.
Lunar Solar Power is an exciting idea but He3 is more science fiction than probability.

As for rocket propellents- while launching HLV’s to the Moon makes sense to build a base, that is about all rockets are good for. The ice on the Moon is much better used as radiation shielding for nuclear propelled spaceships.

We “need” the Moon as a base from which to launch nuclear missions. Then comes solar energy, then comes other Lunar resources such or thorium for reactors and metal from which to build new ships and equipment for colonies.

By: JohnG Mon, 07 Jan 2013 19:37:35 +0000 I would think the good ‘Mother Earth’ would appreciate the expansion of human society to the Moon et al., and particularly the use of natural resources at those locations. If we were to produce rocket propellents in space, then there wouldn’t be the need for “1000 flights a year, spewing 600 metric tons of soot”, as much of what is launched into space is propellent. If we were to collect sunlight via solar arrays and ‘beam’ it back to earth via microwaves or other methods, or find a way to harvest and use He3 from the Moon, there wouldn’t be the need to expand our use of fossil fuels as the world population increases. The space age is here, like it or not, and there are many opportunities to make our lives better here on earth just like there were when ocean going ships, Conestoga wagons, automobiles, and airplanes came into existence. Mr. Bland needs to find a way to make ‘out-of-this-world’ lemonade out of his basket of space lemons.

By: Andrew W Tue, 01 Jan 2013 21:59:20 +0000 “But I believe that the Earth could probably feed and provide fresh water for a human population that is at least ten times larger than today if vertical indoor farms were built using the plentiful power of the Earth’s uranium and thorium resources.”

With enough inputs you could grow bananas at the top of Everest, but anyone investing in such an enterprise would not make any profits, their wealth would shrink, so you have to ask yourself: What’s the cost of the energy to grow the food vs the value of the food grown?

By: Marcel F. Williams Tue, 01 Jan 2013 18:44:19 +0000 Its actually rather astonishing that the Earth is able to sustain 7 billion people on a planet that just 10,000 years ago could probably only sustain about 5 million hunter-gatherers. But I believe that the Earth could probably feed and provide fresh water for a human population that is at least ten times larger than today if vertical indoor farms were built using the plentiful power of the Earth’s uranium and thorium resources.

But I’m also concerned about the fate of the other species on our planet. It really wouldn’t be the Earth without them, IMO. And I’m not so sure if the other species on our planet could survive this many human beings or more in the long run.

I’m a strong believer in capitalism within the framework of a strong democratic republic. The problem with the US economy IMO is that many people and politicians have bought into the myth that a politically paralyzed government is better than a strong government. A weak government that can’t get anything done is bad for the economy no matter how big or small it is. The role of government should be to do those things that private enterprise either refuses to do, or can’t do, or cannot do as efficiently as the government can. The role of politicians, IMO, is to make sure that government works as efficiently as possible without wasting the tax payer’s dollars.

The Federal government’s investment in space has been one of America’s greatest economic success stories. And there is no doubt in my mind that the American economy would be in much better shape today if the politicians had allowed NASA to set up permanent outpost on the Moon and Mars after the Apollo program. If that had happened, the political issue of the day might be whether or not to raise taxes on the extremely lucrative lunar corporations that might have currently dominated the satellite manufacturing and launch industry today:-)

Marcel F. Williams

By: billgamesh Mon, 31 Dec 2012 20:06:36 +0000 “So humanity could potentially nearly triple the land area available for its survival by simply colonizing”

“Land area available” implies agriculture Marcel. There are vast tracts of land on Earth that are uninhabited. I am not one of the Earth is overpopulated crowd. We could have a high quality of life for every man woman and child on this planet if we did not, as a species, spend most of our resources pandering to various moral weaknesses and cravings for profit. When I discuss this fact with others on forums I am invariably labeled a communist or socialist and excommunicated from the discussion by way of a dogpile of insults.

The myth of scarcity is just a smokescreen for the reality of greed and ignorance. Which is why people like Gerard K. O’Neill sought to improve the human condition with space colonies.

We need to go into space to first safeguard the Earth from impacts and the human race from extinction, and along with these missions to spread life into the universe through colonization. None of those three things has anything to do with getting filthy rich or intimidating other nations with firepower so we can steal their resources. Which is why it has not happened.

We are stuck between our wants and our needs. We want to keep competing instead of cooperating. We want to keep intimidating instead of interacting. We need to understand that the universe does not care if we thrive or go extinct. If we continue to indulge our our instinctive and tribal inheritance instead of investing in the future we will have no future. Our race will die as surely as each and every individual dies. That is our choice- the glorifying of individuality and certain extinction or the acceptance of the collective goal and a continued existance of humanity.
Ayn Rand would not agree.

By: Joe Sun, 30 Dec 2012 16:10:27 +0000 Hi Paul,

Good take down of the Bland article.

Andrew W says: December 30, 2012 at 1:11 am
“… first Mr. Bland needs to recognize the problems with the future he advocates; there are too many people on this planet for indefinite sustainability without the advanced technology that exists today and that technology consumes resources that are finite, and humans, being humans, will fight each other for their share if the pie is made to shrink.”
It’s go forward or go back, but the going back that’s likely is via the population reduction that happens in a collapse.”

A very succinct description of the situation.

About the only thing to add is that Mr. Bland’s Luddite philosophy (1. Any of a group of British workers who between 1811 and 1816 rioted and destroyed laborsaving textile machinery in the belief that such machinery would diminish employment. 2. One who opposes technical or technological change. After Ned Ludd, an English laborer who was supposed to have destroyed weaving machinery around 1779.) far predates the beginning of the development of space technology.

I suspect that when the first of our remote ancestors learned to start and control small fires (to keep them warm cold nights) another started the first anti developments organization – “Cro-Mags” against Camp Fires”.

By: Andrew W Sun, 30 Dec 2012 07:11:19 +0000 “Mr. Bland needs to exercise his sense of adventure and open his mind to other possibilities”

No, first Mr. Bland needs to recognize the problems with the future he advocates; there are too many people on this planet for indefinite sustainability without the advanced technology that exists today and that technology consumes resources that are finite, and humans, being humans, will fight each other for their share if the pie is made to shrink.

It’s go forward or go back, but the going back that’s likely is via the population reduction that happens in a collapse.
