
Spudis Lunar Resources – Main web site

Develop Cislunar Space Next

The Once and Future Moon (Blog at Smithsonian Air and Space Magazine)

Paul Spudis at the Lunar and Planetary Institute



2 Responses to Links

  1. George in Modesto (supplied in full on request) says:

    Dear Mr. Spudis,

    Please, if possible, could you create more lectures like “Moon 101”?
    I listen to the series over and over again and always learn something new.
    Your knowledge should be put into a permanent database for future generations.

    Thank you for your time.
    -A response isn’t necessary, I just wanted to make the
    request and thank you for the time that you committed to
    the series.

    George in Modesto California

    • Paul Spudis says:

      Thanks George.

      FYI, we are planning a revised set of lectures “Moon 101” this spring for the engineers at NASA-JSC. Both slides and videos will be posted afterwards. Stay tuned.

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