Comments on: Gateway L-2 Mission: Opening Cislunar Space or Dead End? Fri, 03 Aug 2018 06:04:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: Growing Interest in Lunar Resources | Spudis Lunar Resources Blog Wed, 29 Jan 2014 14:07:45 +0000 […] Gateway L-2 Mission […]

By: Let’s Haul Asteroids! | Spudis Lunar Resources Fri, 05 Apr 2013 09:04:35 +0000 […] there’s no place to go in cislunar space, except space itself.  A current scenario of a mission to “L-2” (the quasi-stable libration point 60,000 km above the center of the lunar far side) has to make up […]

By: Herverkiezing Obama versterkt plan voor ruimtestation in Lagrangepunt L2 | Astroblogs Sat, 10 Nov 2012 19:52:34 +0000 […] geld voor het Gateway Station bij elkaar sprokkelen.  :bron: Bron: Dvice + The Reference Frame + Spudis Lunar Resources. Onderwerp: (dwerg-)planeten, favoriet, planetoïden, ruimtevaart Tags: Gateway Station, ISS, L2, […]

By: Robert Clark Tue, 16 Oct 2012 23:16:19 +0000 With advanced robots such as Robonaut with human-like finger dexterity and with a short lag time much of the repairs could be done without the humans being actually on the lunar surface. However, my understanding of what Spudis plans is that there should also be a human presence on the Moon. I’m optimistic this can be done in the near term with the advent of the SLS and the Falcon Heavy.

Bob Clark

By: Paul Spudis Thu, 11 Oct 2012 19:08:11 +0000 Doug,

just how united and organized are cis-lunar next supporters? Certainly nowhere nearly as much as Mars first supporters.

True enough, but there’s a big difference between the two pathways: Cislunar Next is affordable and technically achievable. Mars First isn’t.

By: DougSpace Thu, 11 Oct 2012 16:08:19 +0000 Spread the word

Certainly. But I am wondering if there is more that could be done. Although we may not be in a position to directly change policy, perhaps there might be some effective means of indirectly affecting policy (i.e. influencing the policy makers more effectively). For example, it now seems that Romney might actually have a chance. Yet it is not obvious to me that his choice of NASA administrator will support a cis-lunar next policy. Perhaps we could do something now to increase that probability. Also, just how united and organized are cis-lunar next supporters? Certainly nowhere nearly as much as Mars first supporters.

Your assumption is that these are goals that they actually intend to pursue. I am not convinced of that.

Since we’re dealing with motivations, none of us can be certain. My guess is that Obama doesn’t want to tangle with space state senators. This is why his administration reversed direction and went along with SLS. I also guess that he doesn’t want to be known as the one who killed BEO HSF. So, he’ll just move SLS forward until the end of his second term and then hand it off to someone else. He’s not going to expend political capital on something that is small and not a priority.

I’m guessing that it will be close to impossible to get him to make the change to a strategy of a large cis-lunar next program. In such a situation, I think that the best we could do is to advance development of cis-lunar hardware with only about a half billion per year. For example, ULA and Masten’s cryogenic lunar lander could be developed for that amount if funded in an SAA manner. Just an idea.

By: Hollister David Fri, 05 Oct 2012 19:33:30 +0000 The sun-earth L1 and L2 points are about 1.5 million kilometers from earth which is only 1% of an astronomical unit. The earth’s diameter is about 1% that of the sun’s. With a scale drawing, the earth as well as L1 and L2 would be 3 microscopic flyspecks almost right on top of each other.

For the earth-moon system, L1 and L2 are about 1/6 of a lunar distance from the moon. The moon is about 1/4 of earth’s diameter.

So far as scale goes, the graphic looks like an earth-moon system. If it’s supposed to be a portrayal of the sun-earth system, the proportions are way off.

By: Hop David Thu, 04 Oct 2012 10:52:12 +0000 Given an elliptical orbit with a 0 km altitude perilune and 63500 km apolune, orbital period is about 6.4 days. A Hohmann trip would be half this ellipse. Wingo’s 3 days sounds about right to me.

A Hohmann from 0 km perilune to 300 km apolune is about an hour.

LLO speed is about 1.6 km/s. A 90 plane change from an equatorial LLO to a polar LLO would cost about 2.3 km/s. In terms of delta v, Plane change expense at EML2 is practically zero. Accessing a polar LLO from EML2 would save a big plane change expense.

By: Paul Spudis Thu, 04 Oct 2012 06:13:16 +0000 how often/long the station would be in the moon’s shadow and making solar arrays useless

I’m sure this is being looked at, but my understanding is that the Orion will not actually be stationed at the L-2 point, but will be in a “halo” orbit around the L-2 point (if they were AT L-2, communications with the Earth would not be possible). I suspect that this halo orbit will keep the spacecraft illuminated except under rare circumstances.

By: Paul Spudis Thu, 04 Oct 2012 06:10:41 +0000 there is a fair probability that they will continue to a manned L2 station as described because it is along their Path to an asteroid, Phobos, and Mars.

Your assumption is that these are goals that they actually intend to pursue. I am not convinced of that.

None of us have the power to change policy, but by stating and re-stating the logical path forward, we can eventually make ourselves heard. Spread the word.
