Comments on: Farewell to a wise and thoughtful commentator on space Fri, 03 Aug 2018 06:04:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: Grand Lunar Mon, 24 Apr 2017 01:28:05 +0000 An excellent tribute, Dr Spudis.

It is always sad to hear of the passing of great people like Mr Mellberg that offered a common sense that is in short supply these days.

I think we’ll all miss him.

By: James Sat, 22 Apr 2017 08:27:52 +0000 Goodspeed Bill Mellberg.

Note the ‘Farewell to a wise and thoughtful commentator on space’ comment by Paul Spudis:

“In recent years, both Bill and I have watched in dismay as America’s civil space program has deteriorated from an ever-advancing effort to push the boundaries of human experience beyond low Earth orbit into a self-deluding, Potemkin Village obsessed with a ‘Journey to Mars.'”

For the rest of us still living on the Home Planet, we need to keep on trying to do our best to encourage a scientific space program based on tapping Lunar resources, industrializing the Moon, and developing Cislunar Space.

By: billgamesh Sat, 22 Apr 2017 01:31:10 +0000 “-billgamesh got it right in his comments above. A lot of “Musketeers” and New Space astronaut “wannabes” are living in their own fantasylands. They apparently think they will be able to fly into space one of these days for a few thousand dollars. They envy the NASA astronauts who have already flown into space. But that is not reality.”

Thanks Bill and good luck. You are one of the very few who ever had a single good thing to say about my comments. Thank you for not being a NewSpace groupie.

By: Joe Fri, 21 Apr 2017 12:17:27 +0000 Really sorry to hear this,

Always looked forward to Mr. Mellberg’s posts. They added a great historical (not to mention practical) view of the topic under discussion.

Wish I had had the chance to tell him how educational I found his inputs.

He will be missed.
