Category Archives: space industry

An Architecture for Direct Lunar Return Using SLS and Orion

I have been asked recently by several people to lay out an architecture for direct lunar return.  This includes what is required (e.g. LOP-G or no LOP-G?), how the pieces fit together and the likely outcome of such a program.  … Continue reading

Posted in Lunar development, Lunar exploration, space industry, space policy, space technology, Space transportation, Uncategorized | 11 Comments

Will Lunar Return Harm the Moon?

I have some thoughts at the Air and Space site about the possible environmental impact of lunar development.  Have a look and comment, if desired.

Posted in Lunar development, Lunar exploration, space industry, space policy, space technology | 6 Comments

Have We Lost the Moon?

There was real excitement in the lunar community last fall when Vice President Mike Pence announced, during a meeting of the reconstituted National Space Council, that the next step in human spaceflight would be our return to the Moon. Advocates … Continue reading

Posted in Lunar development, Lunar exploration, Lunar Science, space industry, space policy | 36 Comments

Flight of the Space Turkey

Throwing a wrench into NASA’s engine of progress may not have been the intent of Vice President Pence’s first meeting of the National Space Council with his announcement that a human return to the lunar surface is the new direction … Continue reading

Posted in Lunar development, Lunar exploration, space industry, space policy, space technology, Space transportation | 26 Comments

A Pioneering NASA Administrator

I have new post up at Air & Space discussing the “Pioneering Doctrine” devised by Rep. Jim Bridenstine as part of his American Space Renaissance Act (ASRA).  Although not yet a passed law, this doctrine is informative about his thinking … Continue reading

Posted in Lunar development, Lunar exploration, planetary exploration, space industry, space policy, space technology, Space transportation | 15 Comments

Eclipse Happens

I have a new post up over at Air & Space discussing the upcoming total solar eclipse, mainly as a vehicle to proselytize for lunar return.  Enjoy the spectacle next Monday!

Posted in Lunar development, Lunar exploration, space industry, space policy, space technology, Space transportation | 7 Comments

Apollo: The Glory and the Curse

As we approach the anniversary of the first landing on the Moon (48 years on July 20), it is traditional for space opinion writers to wistfully look back on that lost “Golden Age” when humans ventured beyond low Earth orbit … Continue reading

Posted in Lunar development, Lunar exploration, space industry, space policy, space technology, Space transportation | 24 Comments

Unexpected Connections: The Strategic Defense Initiative and Space Resources

The recent successful interception of a ballistic missile in flight recalls earlier fevered debates of the 1980s and 90s over the “feasibility” of missile defense. Back then, “settled science” declared that missile defense was either impossible, or of such technical … Continue reading

Posted in Lunar development, space industry, space policy, space technology, Space transportation | 7 Comments

Farewell to a wise and thoughtful commentator on space

My good friend Bill Mellberg passed away this week.  I remember him in a post at Air & Space magazine.  Comment here if desired.

Posted in Lunar exploration, space industry, space policy, space technology, Space transportation | 4 Comments

A National Space Council: To Be or Not To Be?

News reports indicate that some version of a national space council (with Vice-President Mike Pence as chair) might be established. For some, the idea of a White House-level committee designed to monitor the nation’s space program may seem like a … Continue reading

Posted in Lunar exploration, space industry, space policy | 16 Comments