Comments on: Apollo: The Glory and the Curse Fri, 03 Aug 2018 06:04:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: Vladislaw Sun, 16 Jul 2017 17:39:55 +0000 Granted BUT it creates the demand that would help entice capital flows for Lunar fuel production… no point in creating gas if their isn’t any cars… It also would create a FIERCE competitive environment for launch companies to launch a fungible product to space.

By: billgamesh Sun, 16 Jul 2017 00:37:46 +0000 There is probably only one options besides using robots to process and ferry water-as-radiation-shielding up to lunar orbit stations. That most exciting possibility is without doubt the “super lava tube” as a ready made underground city. If we could find some of these cubic-miles-size caverns, perhaps with ground penetrating radar or some other technique, then there would actually be a market for Bigelow blow up tents and Blue Origin lunar landers.

Giant water trucks could be used to transport water from the pole to these tube cities. The real technical challenge would be how to provide artificial Earth gravity. The only obvious solution being the circular “sleeper train” and that would require a very large tube indeed.

By: billgamesh Sun, 16 Jul 2017 00:22:06 +0000 “-that Apollo-like paradigm of “design, build, launch, use and discard.” That approach is not a sustainable one as evidenced by the fact that it was not sustained, despite the immense good will generated by and for a strong space program.”

Considering the lack of a few million in funding kept Mr. Brown from making Skylab a true wet workshop by utilizing the second stage of the Saturn V fixed to the converted third stage dry workshop, it must be appreciated Apollo certainly had the potential for reuse. Replacing the first stage with a pair of ocean recovered monolithic solid boosters or better yet pressure fed boosters would have made the Shuttle a poor investment in comparison. The boosters would have been reused and the second and third stage used as a workshop with more interior space than the ISS (in one launch).

Six launches per year from 1973 to the present could have sent around 240 ISS size platforms up and with a station useful life of ten years perhaps 60 stations at a time in orbit with a capacity of 600 astronauts at any given time. A purely hypothetical number because so many thousands of people cycling through tours decade after decade would serve no useful purpose. Actually the same holds true for the one station now going around and around.

By: Paul Spudis Sat, 15 Jul 2017 12:09:00 +0000 A note to commenters:

I offer commenting to readers who want to discuss aspects of what I post or have questions about things that I assert. It is not a forum, it is not a chat board, and is it not a place for you to post lengthy, extended dissertations on topics only marginally relevant to what I write about. Please limit the length of your comments to ~100-200 words.

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By: Paul Spudis Sat, 15 Jul 2017 07:20:20 +0000 The Deep Space Gateway (DSG) can act as the lunar spacestation in a variation on von Braun architecture

Not the one that NASA is planning — it’s in the wrong orbit (too high) and is not configured to accept multiple vehicles. Like the ARM before it, it’s merely another “make work” project.

By: Marcel Williams Sat, 15 Jul 2017 00:18:21 +0000 The ULA will probably have the lead in such a space architecture since the the IVF technology that they intend to use for their ACES vehicles will allow them to be refueled.

But NASA could easily accelerate the development of this technology by commissioning the ULA to modify NASA’s EUS into reusable orbital transfer vehicles and water storing and propellant producing orbiting depots.

Commissioning the developed of extraterrestrial crew landing vehicles with IVF technology would allow crewed spacecraft to be used on the Moon, Mars, and as a crew transfer vehicle between LEO and the rest of cis-lunar space.

The ULA and SpaceWorks have already proposed much larger LOX/LH2 orbital transfer vehicles using IVF technology that could transport humans to the orbits of Mars and Venus.

A Study of CPS Stages for Missions beyond LEO


By: billgamesh Sat, 15 Jul 2017 00:14:33 +0000 “Even if the ISS is splashed tomorrow (and we all know it won’t be), that only frees up about $2-3 billion per annum –”

No. It is more than that and the cost will continue to climb as the space station to nowhere nears the end of it’s life. This is really what “we all know” and the fact presents NewSpace with a huge problem: where will the money come from to build a new station? Answer: It will not come because no billionaire tourist industry is possible when a station costs billions per year. LEO space stations are an incredible waste of money. The Chinese are following us but whether they will figure out what a losing proposition they are remains to be seen.

The NewSpace fans think a blow-up tent like Bigelow is proposing will be cheap and easy and they are dead wrong. The missions the SLS can perform are the missions the falcon and falcon heavy will never be able to so those missions of course do not exist for SpaceX fandom. But SLS missions to create a cislunar infrastructure do exist and will be funded. As soon as the Mars fantasy and the soon-to-die-of-old-age ISS are retired.

By: Michael Wright Fri, 14 Jul 2017 23:31:13 +0000 OK, this gives some credibility, I sure like to see some action instead of more artwork (I wonder if an amateur radio beacon or APRS ride along). Lots of discussion about Moon Express on NASAWatch. “TheBrett” mentioned probably no market for moon rocks unless rover lands remnants of asteroid rich in platinum group metals. He also mentioned pulling off a demonstration mission would put them over most Space Startup contemporaries. There are tons of startup companies with paper rockets and dubious profit models that’ll never go anywhere because they don’t have enough capital to start.

Regarding landing on a PGM asteroid impact on the Moon, as Dennis Wingo wrote just think having large amounts of PGMs would do for your portfolio. Or lower the cost of platinum so we can produce fuelcells for cars in large quantities and the internal combustion engine goes bye-bye. Anyone working on identifying such sites?

FYI, other day an 11 year old asked me what she can do to become one of the people working on Mars. I said there are no real programs to send people to Mars, and forget about Mars (always 20 years into the future). I suggested consider the Moon, and for starters read the books by Spudis “Value of the Moon” and Wingo “Moon Rush” as these give overall aspect of the Moon along with concepts how to do it.

By: Andrew Swallow Fri, 14 Jul 2017 22:28:13 +0000 The Deep Space Gateway (DSG) can act as the lunar spacestation in a variation on von Braun architecture. If it has sufficient docking ports the DSG can act as a hanger for reusable lunar landers including manned landers.

By: Joe Fri, 14 Jul 2017 20:47:17 +0000 “,,, I stated to stay out of gravity wells until we had the fuel station and vehicle(s) ,,,

The problem with that approach is it requires bringing all propellant up from earth for a substantial period of time and the earth has a much deeper gravity well than the moon.
